pit against(pitted against中文翻译,pitted against是什么意思,pitted against发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-21 14:19小编

 pit against(pitted against中文翻译,pitted against是什么意思,pitted against发音、用法及例句)

pitted against发音

英:  美:

pitted against中文意思翻译



pitted against双语使用场景

1、You will be pitted against two, three, or four people who are every bit as good as you are.───你将和两个、三个或者四个跟你一样好的人对决。

2、This unusual confluence of events has created a near-perfect study in what happens when minority groups are pitted against one another.───这两项事件罕见的巧合,给研究少数群体间如何彼此对抗提供了一个近乎完美的案例。

3、On the first round they were pitted against the leaders, two women they had never played before.───第一轮她们就得对阵领先者,两位以前从未打过的女人。

4、Geonosians of lower-caste are often pitted against other Geonosians, other sentients, or savage creatures in immense gladiatorial arenas.───等级低下的吉奥诺西斯人常常在宏大的角斗竞技场上搏斗,对手是同族,其他智慧种族,或凶残的野兽。

5、When pitted against Republican candidates in polls, he scores better than the other Democratic front-runners.───在与共和党候选人抗衡的民意测验中,他的得分比其他领先的民主党人都高。

6、Lawyers and accountants felt that they were being pitted against each other.───律师和会计师都觉得他们要一争高下。

7、But with a diffuse network of Sunni guerrillas pitted against equally disorganised Shia militias, nobody has the authority to deliver.───但是目前,日益扩散的逊尼派游击战士和同样处于无组织状态的什叶派民兵之间的武装冲突不断,这使得无人能够实现上述愿望。

8、Bigger felt that he was caught up in a vast but delicate machine whose wheels would whirl no matter what was pitted against them.───那人一再提到别格的名字,别格觉得自己卷入了一个巨大而精密的机器,它的轮子不管受任何阻挠都会照常运转。

9、In the '60s, work was pitted against leisure, work was the trap your parents were in.───在60年代,工作和放松绝对是一对反义词,工作是你爸妈为你挖好的大坑。

pitted against相似词语短语

1、setting against───反对;使对立;使平衡

2、turned against───反对;背叛;(使)变成和…敌对

3、counted against───vt.不利于

4、briefed against───向…汇报

5、told against───对……不利

6、kicked against───抱怨;竭力反对

7、guarded against───防止;提防

both A and B pitted against C . 这种形式中,过去分词短语是做谁的

