central heating中文翻译,central heating是什么意思,central heating发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-21 15:20小编

 central heating中文翻译,central heating是什么意思,central heating发音、用法及例句

central heating发音

英:[ˌsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ]  美:[ˌsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ]

英:  美:

central heating中文意思翻译




central heating双语使用场景

1、The house has gas-fired central heating.───这所房子有燃气中央供暖系统。

2、a central heating system with a radiator in each room───每个房间都配有一个散热器的中央供暖系统

3、I am thinking of installing central heating.───我在考虑安装中央供暖系统。

4、Their first job was to rewire the whole house and install central heating.───他们的第一份工作就是给整个房子重新布线,并安装中央供暖系统。

5、Such processing while, still vacated a space to put mop pool below central heating.───这样处理的同时, 还在暖气下腾出了一片空间放墩布池.

6、Another change that Sue made was to install central heating.───休所作的另一个改变是安装中央供暖系统。

7、The room is warm also, because central heating is burned weller!───房间也和缓, 因为暖气烧得比较好!

8、He kept turning the central heating down.───他不断调低中央暖气的温度。

9、Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually.───确保所有的煤气取暖器和中央供暖的锅炉每年都检修一次。

10、That house is for sale. It has central heating.───此房出售, 房子里有供暖设备.

11、Does this apartment have central heating?───这间公寓有中央暖气设备 吗 ?

12、A pump in boiler sends hot water round the central heating system.───中的水泵将热水输送给集中供热设备.

13、The newly built community uses a household central heating system.───新建的小区全部实行了分户供暖.

14、The central heating goes off at 9 o'clock.───中央供暖设备9点停止供暖.

15、The central heating system cuts out when a given temperature is reached.───当达到给定温度时,中心加热器停止工作.

16、The new gas central heating is very effective – it flings off a lot of heat.───新的集中供热系统效用很好--能散发大量热量.

17、Under the official regulations the central heating was put off on March 15 th each year.───据正式规定,每年3月15日停止供应暖气.

18、People don't have central heating in their houses in my country.───在我国,一般人家里没有集中供热设备.

19、Manufacturing plant house and auxiliary buildings in the heating area shall design central heating.───位于采暖地区的生产厂房和辅助建筑物应设计集中采暖.

20、Firstly, central heating and telephone were on a constant rise.───首先, 中央暖气设备和电话一直处于上升态势.

21、Please come and plumb in my new central heating system.───请来帮我接通新的中央供暖系统的水管。

22、He kept turning the central heating down.───他不断地调低中央暖气系统的温度。

23、Their community gained access to central heating powered by waste heat.───他们小区也用上了利用废热的集中供热暖气.

24、Full central heating with house provided hot water 24 hours.───中央暖气系统,房间24小时提供热水.

25、This hotel is equipped with a central heating thermostat.───这家旅馆装有中央空调温度调节器.

26、They didn't know how to put in a central heating system, but they managed it by trial and error.───他们不知道怎样安装集中供暖设备, 但是经过反复试验终于安装好了.

27、The central heating was coming on and the ancient wooden boards creaked.───中央供暖系统开始工作,弄得那些老掉牙的木板嘎吱作响。

central heating相似词语短语

1、central casting───(**制片厂的)演员选派部,**厂分派次要角色的部门

2、central question───中心问题

3、central atrium───中央中庭

4、central locking───中控锁

5、central location───中央位置;[计]中央单元

6、central castings───(**制片厂的)演员选派部,**厂分派次要角色的部门

7、central bank───中央银行

8、gas central heating───燃气集中供热

9、centrally heated───集中供暖的





CHWP 冷冻水泵


