castor oil中文翻译,castor oil是什么意思,castor oil发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-21 15:25小编

 castor oil中文翻译,castor oil是什么意思,castor oil发音、用法及例句

castor oil发音

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castor oil中文意思翻译




castor oil双语使用场景

1、Effects of several kinds of acidic catalysts on castor oil dehydration have been explored.───考察了若干种酸性催化剂对蓖麻油脱水的影响.

2、In an intradermal test , Sarnowiec ( 1934 ) used castor oil.───一种蓖麻油中的油质脂肪酸,用于肥皂中.

3、The critical solubility temperatures mass fractions of castor oil were measured with an improved experimental apparatus.───为测定二甲醚与蓖麻油混合燃料的临界互溶温度,对互溶性实验装置进行了改进.

4、He filled a cup with kerosene, castor oil and vinegar.───他往杯子里装满了煤油 、 蓖麻油和醋.

5、The plant carboxylates and castor oil acid alkanolamide have a promising application for their simple processing.───植物羧酸盐和蓖麻油酸烷醇酰胺生产工艺简单,有良好应用前景.

6、Castor oil moves the bowels.───蓖麻油能通便.

7、One was filled with petrol, one castor oil and one with vinegar.───一个瓶子装满汽油, 一个瓶子装满蓖麻油,还有一个(瓶子)装满醋.

8、Advances in thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks and interpenetrating polymer networks based on castor oil are reviewed.───综述近年来热塑性互穿网络聚合物及以蓖麻油为原料合成的互穿网络聚合物的进展.

9、Castor oil is used for medicine.───蓖麻油可作药用.

10、She has gone to bed and had a dose of castor oil.───她服用了一剂蓖麻油,已经上床睡了。

11、Doctor: Give him plenty of castor oil, and don't point him at anyone for 48 hours!───医生: 让他多喝蓖麻油, 48小时内不要让他冲着任何人!

12、One was filled with petrol, one with castor oil and one with vinegar.───一个瓶子装满汽油, 一个瓶子装满蓖麻油,还有一个(子)满醋.

13、Many career experts tout failure as the castor oil of success.───许多职业专家把失败高度评价为成功的润滑油.

14、One was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar.───一只瓶子装满煤油, 一只瓶子装满蓖麻油, 一只瓶子装满醋.

15、The paper introduces the standard and application of sulphonated castor oil in industry.───并介绍了硫酸化蓖麻油的工业标准及其在工业上的应用.

16、In this experiment, castor oil was pyrolyzed in a stainless steel tubular reactor packed with catalyst.───本实验以蓖麻油为原料,位其在一装有催化剂的不锈钢反应器中进行裂解.

17、The filament of castor oil plant synthesizes many bundles repeatedly, call much style stamen.───蓖麻的花丝连合成多束, 称多体雄蕊.

18、What do you get when you cross holy water with castor oil?───把圣水和蓖麻油混合起来是什么效果?

19、Check with your personal castor oil artist to see if you should be taking this medication.───和你的私人医生商量一下,看看你是否应服用这种药物.

20、As one of the renewable resources, the castor oil shows higher economic value.───蓖麻油作为一种可再生资源, 具有较高工业经济价值.

21、They professor brought out three bottles, and filled them with oil, castor oil and vinegar.───教授拿出了三个瓶子, 并装上油 、 麻油和醋.

22、Summer, and castor oil plant grows, and I generally high.───夏天到了, 蓖麻长得和我一般高.

castor oil相似词语短语

1、castor bean───蓖麻子

2、castor oils───蓖麻油(等于ricinusoil)

3、Macassar oil───马卡沙油

4、carron oil───卡拉胶油

5、motor oil───车用机油

6、mustard oil───[有化]芥子油

7、camphor oils───[林]樟脑油

8、croton oil───n.巴豆油

9、camphor oil───[林]樟脑油


seasoning 调味品 caviar 鱼子酱 barbeque sauce 沙茶酱 tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱 mustard 芥末 salt 盐 sugar 糖 vinegar 醋 sweet 甜 sour 酸 lard 猪油 peanut oil 花生油 soy sauce 酱油 green pepper 青椒 paprika 红椒 star anise 八角 cinnamon 肉挂 curry 咖喱
