dedicate to中文翻译,dedicate to是什么意思,dedicate to发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-22 15:43小编

 dedicate to中文翻译,dedicate to是什么意思,dedicate to发音、用法及例句

dedicate to发音

英:  美:

dedicate to中文意思翻译


宣告…是供奉(上帝)的; 献(身)于…; 把(时间、精力等)用于…; 写(某作品)以献给某人


dedicate to双语使用场景

1、How much time should I dedicate to preparing for the exam?───我须要用多少时光来筹备测验?

2、Solemnly here dedicate to Ke District I love and love my person.───谨此献给柯区我爱和爱我的人.

3、Therefore, we should dedicate to control the rate of population growth.───所以我们现在更加应该控制人口的增长速度.

4、Business morality of honesty, loyalty , dedicate to work, warm - heartedness and open - mindedness are essential.───性格外向 、 为人热情、开朗、诚实, 工作主动, 恪守职业道德.

5、Our pursuit: Dedicate to providing customers preferably with satisfactory products and servicing more intimately.───我们的追求: 竭诚为您提供最满意的产品和更贴心的服务.

6、The company is a professional company dedicate to managing modernized office furniture.───公司)是一家致力于现代化办公家具经营的专业性公司.

7、I like to work with people who are honest, dedicate to their work and have integrity.───我喜欢和诚实 、 工作投入、人正直的人一起工作.

8、Candidate: People who are honest, dedicate to their work and have integrity.───我喜欢和诚实的 、 对工作投入、为人正直的人一起工作.

9、We dedicate to create the new mind passengers air transport agent.───致力创新航空客运代理新的理念.

10、Decide in advance how much time you want to dedicate to doing something.───事先就想清楚你将会花多长时间去完成某事。

11、There is no doubt that the best prize in life is the opportunity to dedicate to a cause worthy of dedication.───毫无疑问,生命最好的奖品就是有机会从事值得奉献的事业。

12、Jiansheng Philosophy : Dedicate to the eduction cause, and serve the numerous students.───公司宗旨: “奉献教育事业, 服务莘莘学子”.

13、How much memory you'd like to dedicate to the DB2 instance?───您想将多少内存用于DB 2实例?

14、So regions dedicate to the improvement of investment environment in order to promote local economic development.───各地区为了发展经济,竞相致力于投资环境的改善工作.

15、Concentrate the natural elite, Dedicate to the Human Health.───浓缩植物精华, 缔造人类健康!

dedicate to相似词语短语



3、predicate noun───谓语性名词








dedicate是“devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose ” 而devote是“give all or a large part of one's time or resources to (a person, activity, or cause) ”

