dare to live(dare to中文翻译,dare to是什么意思,dare to发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-22 19:50小编

 dare to live(dare to中文翻译,dare to是什么意思,dare to发音、用法及例句)

dare to发音

英:  美:

dare to中文意思翻译



dare to双语使用场景

1、Dare to be different.───敢于与众不同。

2、He won't dare to break his promise.───他不敢食言。

3、If you dare to approach the hospital, I will not forgive you!───你敢靠近医院一步我绝对饶不了你!

4、But do Jeff's students dare to take it all off?───但学生真的敢把衣服脱光 吗 ?

5、We dare to break a path unbeaten before.───我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路.

6、If you dare to enquire into Nature, try to discover her laws.───你们要是敢于对大自然刨根问底, 就去设法揭示它的规律吧.

7、Dare to say you own the Lagoon, Palma Bravo!───你敢说你拥有这个湖, 帕玛布拉沃!

8、No one is dare to get close to your dog as it is too feral.───你的狗太凶猛了,所以没人敢靠近它。

9、Nothing is hard in this world if you dare to scale the heights.───世上无难事,只要肯登攀.

10、We should dare to say no.───我们要敢于拒绝。

11、I took his dare to jump.───我接受他的挑战而跳了.

12、You are very naughty to dare to repeat what he says.───你竟敢重复他所说的话,这是非常可恶的.

13、These girls dare to blaze new paths.───这些姑娘敢于闯新路.

14、If the enemy dare to invade us, we'll deal them head - on blows .───敌人胆敢进犯, 我们就给以 迎头痛击.

15、I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival.───我奢望你在听到我还活着的消息时心情会很激动。

16、It might not be difficult to find it, did we dare to search.───只要存心找,是不难找到的!

17、Dare to live the life you are dreamed for yourself.───勇敢去过你梦想中的生活.

18、We must dare to think, speak up and act.───我们必须敢想, 敢说,敢干.

dare to相似词语短语

1、dare say───断言

2、due to───prep.由于;应归于

3、heave to───停船;逆风停船;顶风漂泊

4、take to───喜欢;走向;开始从事



7、came to───v.想起;共计

8、come to───v.想起;共计

9、care of───由…转交


Dare To Struggle,Dare To Win敢于斗争,敢于胜利即敢闯敢赢的意思。dare to英 [dɛə tu:] 美 [dɛr tu] 词典敢于双语例句1You, you dare to talk to me like this! 你、你竟敢这样和我讲话!
