right off中文翻译,right off是什么意思,right off发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-23 07:50小编

 right off中文翻译,right off是什么意思,right off发音、用法及例句

right off发音

英:  美:

right off中文意思翻译




right off双语使用场景

1、You can tell a Poetry Club member right off.───你可以立刻分辨出诗社的成员.

2、The good news is, you can snip them right off, and immediately your hair will look healthier.───好消息是,你可以马上剪掉它们,你的头发马上就会看起来更健康。

3、Right off I want to confess that I was wrong.───我立刻就想承认我错了。

4、His mother marched him right off home with her.───他母亲让他马上跟她回家.

5、Then we ate pinot grapes right off the vine.───我们还从葡萄藤上摘了皮诺葡萄吃.

6、I've got a reading here that's going right off the scale.───我这儿有一篇文章好像有点关系.

7、He's wearing the bottoms of his feet right off.───他脚板都磨破了.

8、The handle came right off in my hand.───这个把手脱落时还在我手中攥着.

9、And right off I was on guard against Mencken's books.───我马上就对门肯的书警觉起来了.

10、This bus will let you right off in front of the museum.───坐这辆车你可以直接在博物馆门前下车.

11、He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.───他马上就认识到在这件事上你不能指望任何事物。

12、Right off the bat you should have put two and two together.───你本应该马上作出合理推论的.

13、He learned right off the bat that you can't count on anything in this business.───他立刻明白在这一行业中不能依靠任何东西。

14、I'm tired of it and mean to go to work at something right off.───我已对此厌倦了,真想立刻就干点什么.

15、As it's getting very late, all of you go right off to bed at once.───现在很晚了,你们所有人马上去睡觉。

16、We stayed in a small village inn, right off the map.───我们住在一家偏僻的乡村小店里.

17、I get into bed at about eleven, and go right off to sleep.───我大约在十一点上床, 躺下就睡着了.

18、I get into bed at about 11:30 and go right off to sleep.───我11:30上床睡觉,一会就会入睡.

right off相似词语短语

1、frighten off───吓跑;吓走

2、fights off───vt.击退;排斥;竭力避免

3、fight off───vt.击退;排斥;竭力避免

4、right stuff───正确的东西;合适的内容

5、right on───好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对

6、brought off───完成;救出;成功

7、straight off───立即;马上

8、right oh───对哦

9、right on!───好极了(表示支持、鼓励);你说得对

2、right away与right now怎么区别?

right away用于将来马上什么什么

right now用于现在正在什么什么

right away:

She sussed out right away that there was something fishy going on. 她马上就意识到这里有可疑的事情在发生。It was very sharp of him to have noticed that detail right away. 他可真机警,一下子就注意到那个细节。 I have finished the manuscript and will post it out right away. 稿子已脱手,我马上寄出。The mother wishes if only she could meet her son right away. 妈妈恨不得立刻见到儿子。I asked her to stay for dinner, but she insisted on leaving right away. 我请她留下来吃饭,她却偏偏要走。

right now:

Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now. 我们的免疫系统此刻正在杀灭亿万个细菌。 ‘I really am all right now,’ Isabel insisted. “我现在真的全好了,”伊莎贝尔坚持说。 We can go right now, ok, yah. 我们马上就可以走,好的,是的。 I want to redo it, but I can’t spare the time right now. 我想重新做,但就是拿不出时间。I’m not in the mood to indulge in idle argument with you right now. 我这会儿烦着呢,没工夫跟你闲磨牙。
