capital one中文翻译,capital one是什么意思,capital one发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-23 08:03小编

 capital one中文翻译,capital one是什么意思,capital one发音、用法及例句

capital one发音

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capital one中文意思翻译



capital one双语使用场景

1、She's such a capital one for catching mice you can't think!───她抓老鼠的本领真是棒极了,你想都想不到!

2、Mr. Gulliver said. Capital One Financial, said analysts, could be among the suitors.───有分析家称其中就有美国第一资本金融公司。

3、A Capital One spokeswoman said Mr. Fairbank had been paid entirely in stock during his tenure.───第一资本的发言人说Fairbank在银行期间的待遇都是用股票来支付的。

4、Conversely, Capital One borrowers paid down 18. 5% of their balances last month, up from 17. 6% a year earlier.───而CapitalOne的借款人上个月的还款率是18.5%,高于上年同期的17.

5、Two of the largest card issuers, however, MBNA and Capital One, have the least generous policies, with each case reviewed on its merits .───然而,最大的信用卡发行商中有两家——MBNA和第一资本(CapitalOne)——的政策都极其苛刻,对每个案例都按照其自身情况进行审核。

6、Capital One Financial (COF) now spends $1. 2 billion a year on marketing, compared with around $5 million for PartnersFirst.───第一资本金融公司(CapitalOneFinancial,COP)每年花12亿美元进行市场推广,相比之下PartnersFirst的营销开支只有区区500万美元。

7、Two better-known card issuers with a big subprime business are Capital One and HSBC's Orchard Bank.───两家比较著名的发卡银行第一资金和汇丰Or chard银行都拥有庞大的次级信用卡业务。

8、He increased his stake in two other financial institutions, Bank of America and Capital One Financial.───他增持了在另外两家金融机构美国银行(BankofAmerica)和CapitalOneFinancial的股份。

9、outsource this customer service thing” has hurt companies like Dell and Capital One.───客户服务外包出去的做法已经让像Dell和Capital One这些公司吃了苦头。

capital one相似词语短语

1、capital fund───[会计]资本基金

2、capital offence───死罪


4、capital cost───[会计]资本成本

5、capital sum───本金总额;最高赔偿额

6、capital loss───资本损失

7、capitate bone───头状骨




ambassador[英][æmˈbæsədə(r)][美][æmˈbæsədɚ, -ˌdɔr]n.大使,使节; (派驻联合国等国际组织的)代表; 特使; [比喻]使者; 复数:ambassadors双语例句1The ambassador refused to give any interviews to journalists.大使拒绝会见记者。

2Celebrity endorsements are commonplace, from capital one pitchman Alec Baldwin to Revlon “ brand ambassador ” Halle Berry.第一资本金融公司(Capital One)的代言人是演艺明星亚历克斯•鲍德温,露华浓(Revlon)的“品牌大使”则是哈莉•贝瑞。
