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looney tunes中文意思翻译
looney tunes双语使用场景
1、House is an art project that answers the pressing question: what would your neighbor's place look like if it was sucked through a straw in the Looney Tunes universe?───房子实际上是一件艺术品,它所传达的问题是:如果你邻居的房子被塞进了疯狂无限循环的宇宙里,那么看起来会是什么样?
2、Categories: to tag blog posts with searchable tags; for example, a blog post about Bugs Bunny cartoons might have as tags "Looney Tunes", "Bugs Bunny", "rabbits", and "cartoon".───分类:用于给博文添加可供搜索的标签。比如,一篇关于动画Bugs Bunny的博文可能会被标上“疯狂的调调”、“Bugs Bunny”、“兔子”,以及“动画”这样的标签。
3、Deliver breakfast in bed next Saturday (then pop a Looney Tunes DVD into the TV for the kids and lock your bedroom door).───在某个周六把早饭送到他(她)的床前(给孩子们播放巨星总动员的DVD,然后锁好你们的门)。
4、malmusic . com - english movie looney tunes : back in action───com-英文**乐一通:反斗特工队
looney tunes相似词语短语
1、money funds───货币基金;货币资金
2、journey times───行车时间;运行时间
4、money trees───摇钱树;金钱树
6、loony bins───医院中的精神病房;疯人院
7、kidney stones───肾结石(kidneystone的复数)
8、gooney birds───信天翁(等于albatross)
Looney Tunes兔巴哥巨星总动员宾尼兔狂想症疯子looney ['lu:ni] adj. 发狂的n. 疯子=loonytune [tuːn /tju-]n. 曲调, 和谐, 调子