born to be中文翻译,born to be是什么意思,born to be发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-23 08:59小编

 born to be中文翻译,born to be是什么意思,born to be发音、用法及例句

born to be发音

英:  美:

born to be中文意思翻译



born to be双语使用场景

1、Chenyuan is born to be the successor of the family, while what he wishes for is the kind of life of simple and ordinary happiness.───程远生来就注定要做家族的继承人,然而他渴望的却是简单平凡的快乐生活。

2、Uranus in Pisces is stirring up fierce need within you to break old restraints and to truly become the person you were born to be.───天王星位于双鱼座激起你内在强烈的需要,去断掉旧的束缚,真正成为原本的那个自己。

3、You were not born to be followers but leaders in and for the light of God.───你并非生而为成为跟随者,而是上帝之光中的领导者。

4、Staggering as it walks; the ostrich looks so delicious with its puffy meat, as if it is born to be eaten.───鸵鸟蹒跚的走着,一身的肉真馋人,它之生似乎是为了供人食用。

5、He was born to be a great composer.───他是个天生的伟大作曲家。

6、With a beautiful voice, she was born to be a singer.───她有一把优美的嗓音,天生就适合当歌手。

7、If Euclid failed to kindle your youthful enthusiasm, then you were not born to be a scientific thinker.───如果欧几里得几何未能激起你少年时代的热情,那么,你就不是一个天生的科学思想家。

8、Maybe you were not born to be a pianist.───也许你生来就不是钢琴家的料子。

9、He is a born to be a leader. He never conceal his desire to be a certain leader himself.───他天生是做上司的料,他自己也从不隐讳要成为上司的野心。

born to be相似词语短语

1、go to bed───上床睡觉

2、have to be───必定是,无疑是

3、bored to death───令人厌烦得要死

4、horn timbers───悬船尾中纵材


6、horn timber───悬船尾中纵材

7、bring to bear───施加

8、acorn tube───橡形真空管

9、burn toast───烤面包

2、be born in和be born to的区别?

be born to和be born in 的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。

一、意思不同 born to意思:出生于 born in 意思:源于…

二、用法不同 born to用法:born的基本意思是“出生的”,引申可表示“问世的,诞生的,天生的”。


People appear to be born to compute.

人似乎生来就会计算。 born in用法:born既可作定语修饰名词,又可作be的表语,也可作状语修饰形容词。born无比较级和最高级。


That desire must be born in frustration, discontent, and yes, intolerance.


三、侧重点不同 born to侧重点:侧重于来自一个什么家庭或某个家庭。 born in侧重点:侧重于强调出身,突出有什么样的身世背景。

1. be born in 由...所生, 由...产生

be born in a concubine 庶出

They must be relieved of the heavy burden of despair which they carry in their hearts, born in hunger, homelessness and unemployment.


2. be born into 出生在...的家庭 / 时代

She was born into a poor family.

He happens to be born into an era where the mass media is king.

