bigpicture(big picture中文翻译,big picture是什么意思,big picture发音、用法及例句)

日记&经验2024-04-24 12:16小编

 bigpicture(big picture中文翻译,big picture是什么意思,big picture发音、用法及例句)

big picture发音

英:  美:

big picture中文意思翻译

常用释义:整体情况:对于一个情况或问题的整体观点或透视 —— 通常与“the”连用。



big picture双语使用场景

1、Or maybe maybe a picture about if I got a big picture for her?───或者,可能,可能一幅画.如果我送给她一大幅画 呢 ?

2、A big - picture man , one participant called him. For anthropologists, the words are not necessarily a compliment.───一位与会学者这么形容他. 此语对人类学者不见得是恭维.

3、Understanding God's big picture can turn irritations into inspirations.───明了神的蓝图,将使你的烦躁转为灵感.

4、A version of the big picture that includes simple constellation guidelines is available here.───点选此处,可以带出标示有简单星座边界的另一版本挂图.

5、We must not lose sight of the big picture.───我们必须不能忘记那副大画.

6、But the big picture is clear.───但大的框架还是清楚的。

7、Thirdly, with a big picture in mind one must act based on the ground.───第三, 在有了上述大视野的基础上,还要有脚踏实地的态度.

8、Be small and child - like. There is no simpler, better way to see the big picture.───只要愿意自居渺小,用孩子般的心情, 你看到的世界将最完整.

9、The Recruiter: The'Big Picture'Person.───招聘人员: 统观大局的人.

10、If rush, carelessness will slow you down; focus on details, you will miss the big picture.───欲速, 则不达; 见小利, 则大事不成.

11、It is part of the big picture in nutrition.───它可以是营养的大图画中的一部分。

12、Last installment I mentioned some of the big - picture aspects of creating an exe packer.───上一部分我提到了关于制作加壳程序主要方面.

13、However , if you look at the big picture this headline was problematic.───如果你再想想,那么这个头条是有问题的.

14、If you're naturally right - brain, start with the big picture and think expansively, no holds barred.───如果你是天生右脑思考者, 先从大局着眼,放大思考格局, 不要自我设限.

15、Zina: Oh, Elvin doesn't know anything. He can't see the big picture.───吉娜: 喔, 艾文啥都不懂. 他看不到大局.

16、Right - brain learners prefer to see the big picture first and then get down to specifics.───惯用右脑者喜欢先看清全貌,再进入细节.

17、First, let's draw a big picture.───首先,我们画一幅大大的画。

18、For instance, am sometimes too detail oriented. That sometimes keeps me from seeing the big picture.───例如说, 我有时候太注重细节了,这有时让我看不到全局.

big picture相似词语短语

1、;ight picture───画面明亮

2、mixed picture───混合图片

3、moving picture───**

4、bleak picture───惨淡的画面

5、vivid picture───逼真模式;栩栩如生的描写

6、grim picture───惨淡的景象

7、to picture───想象

8、big pictures───大图像;重点;(事情的)主要部分;特种宽银幕**

9、living picture───活生生的画面

2、a big picture什么意思?

a big picture





1. Taxes are a big picture issue.


2. He really has a big picture view that is unique.


3. This is very useful to help everybody understand the way things work from a big picture perspective.

