out of the blue中文翻译,out of the blue是什么意思,out of the blue发音、用法及例句

日记&经验2024-04-30 21:48小编

 out of the blue中文翻译,out of the blue是什么意思,out of the blue发音、用法及例句

out of the blue发音

英:  美:

out of the blue中文意思翻译




out of the blue双语使用场景

1、The bad news came like bolt out of the blue.───这消息来得如晴天霹雳.

2、The manager's sudden retirement came completely out of the blue.───经理突然退休实在是令人料想不到.

3、The whole thing was a bolt out of the blue.───这件事,整个来说,简直是晴天霹雳.

4、One of them wrote to us out of the blue several years later.───数年后他们中的一人突然给我们写了一封信。

5、You turn up out of the blue and expect me to look after her?───你这么突然出现还指望我来照顾她?

6、Her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue.───她的哥哥意外地出现在了婚礼上.

7、When I call you up straight out of the blue.───这是多么令人费解啊.

8、Right out of the blue just when she feeling so happy.───太出乎意料了,刚才她还感觉特别的兴奋呢.

9、Her son, who left her more than thirty years ago, came out of the blue.───她三十多年前离开的儿子出乎意料地回来了.

10、The decision came out of the blue.───这个决定来得很突然。

11、There are so many things out of the blue in our life.───生活就是有那么多的出乎意料.

12、These troubles did not come out of the blue.───这些麻烦并不是凭空而来的.

13、When, out of the blue, my father decided to buy us computers, I knew the people in the next town must have heard me yelling with joy.───当突然地我父亲决定给我们买电脑,我确信邻近城镇的居民都听到了我的欢呼声。

14、Your announcement of marriage came right out of the blue.───你突然宣布结婚实在是出人意料.

15、About 15 minutes down the motorway, out of the blue, he announced that I was heading in the wrong direction for Weymouth.───上开了大约15分钟后,他突然宣布我往错误的方向去了韦茅斯。

16、She had come out of the blue just when she was wanted.───正当人们需要她时,她突然地来到了.

17、They wrote and offered me a job out of the blue.───他们突然写信给我并同意为我提供工作.

18、They decided out of the blue to cancel the contract.───他们决定出其不意地取消合同.

out of the blue相似词语短语

1、bolt from the blue───晴天霹雳;意外事件

2、out of the box───创造性地;立即可用的;内存不足

3、out of the loop───在局外;在圈外

4、out of the chute───从溜槽里出来

5、out of the ark───离开方舟

6、out of the way───偏僻的;不同寻常的;不挡道;把…移开

7、out of the money───赌输

8、into the blue───无影无踪

9、out of the wood───脱离危险;出森林

out of blue什么词性?

out of the blue “out of the blue”这个俚语的就是“出乎意料,出人意外”的意思,在使用的时候可以用“randomly, without warning, surprisingly”等替换out out controladj. 无法控制的 blue blacka. 深蓝色的 blue stain青变 Oxford blue暗蓝色 blue ribbonadj. 头等的, 第一流的 ...
