
新闻资讯2024-06-11 00:31小乐




第1部分(共10题: 每题1.5分,共15分)

1.B; 2.D; 3.C; 4.A; 5.D; 6.B; 7.A; 8.C; 9.C; 10.B;


11. 到; 12. 赢得; 13.他们的; 14.出席; 15.谁的; 16.想象力; 17. 是否; 18.已被接受; 19. 共享; 20. 追逐;



A部分:21.B; 22.C; 23. D;

B 部分:24.D; 25. A; 26.D;

C 部分:27.C; 28.C; 29.A; 30.B;

D 部分:31.C; 32.B; 33.D; 34.A;


35; 36.B; 37.F; 38. A; 39.G;



权威分析:2022年3月29日,北京市海淀区,首次高中生英语模拟考试。时间过得真快,北京市丰台区第一届高中生英语模拟考试刚刚结束。 3月29日,我们迎来了一年一度的北京市海淀区高中示范英语科目考试!各位同学,大家都感觉良好!您觉得您的答案流畅吗? 【其实海淀区的英语还是很难的,哈哈……不知道你同意吗? 】今天刘凯老师第一时间给大家全网独家解析。北京市海淀区2022年高中生英语科目。请关注新浪微博教育频道和腾讯教育频道!尊敬的同学们、家长们、老师们: 大家好。首先,我很荣幸参与2022年北京高中英语模式的独家解析!作为2022年高中高年级模型分析组的一员,我向大家问好:祝大家2022年一切顺利!如有错误,敬请全市同仁指正并补充!我这次参加的分析部分如下: 模块一:语法填空第二部分:完形填空第三部分:写作第二部分(20分) 假设你是三年级班长李华(一)红星中学。你们班即将开展五一活动。请写邮件给交换生Jjim邀请他参加。内容包括: 1、活动目的及安排; 2、注意事项。注:1、字数100左右; 2.给出开头和结尾,不计入总字数。亲爱的吉姆,您的,李华老师独家分析:亲爱的同学们,不难发现,2022年海淀区高中生英语科目作文部分比往年要容易一些。问题的主旨非常明确。大家通过看题不难发现本文的写作要求。我们先来观察一下写作的背景。你们班即将开展五一活动。请写邮件给交换生Jjim邀请他参加。本文为正宗的申请论文——邀请函。过去我们实践过这种信函式的——邀请函。回想起初中【中考】,我们当时写过很多次邀请信,2022年3月29日海淀区高中示范英语作文也是一封邀请信。你很高兴吗?你是惊讶还是惊奇?小朋友们,快来分析一下邀请函吧!

邀请函写作及实操邀请函:为特定活动撰写邀请函时,应写清楚: 1)发送邀请函; 2)活动的具体内容、时间、地点; 3)期望对方接受邀请。 【刘凯老师总结】写作结构: 第一段:中间段:第一段:邀请原因第二段:活动目的、安排和细节第三段:我的想法最后一段:第1部分知识应用(共两部分,30分) 第1部分(共10题;每题1.5分,共15分) 阅读下面一段话,掌握其主要思想,然后从A开始,从B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项,并将其涂在答题卡上。我正要睡觉,有人敲我的窗户。敲,敲。然后停顿三秒。敲,敲。我立刻就知道这是我最好的朋友本。敲门声1是我们的紧急呼叫,这绝不意味着什么好“发生了什么事”,我冲过去打开窗户问道。 “怎么了?”我赶紧打开窗户问道。本爬了进去。“坏消息。”他看了我两眼,我立刻就知道那是什么了。我的心3.我向他点了点头,他叹了口气作为回应。 “去哪儿?”我问。 “我问。‘弗吉尼亚’。”那离佛罗里达很远。“那离佛罗里达很远。”我们面面相觑,知道我们的想法是一样的。本和我的父母都在空军。我们习惯了经常去我们互相看了一眼,就知道我们的想法是一致的,自从我撞上本的看台并被送走后,我们就习惯了经常四处走动。起初,我4 佛罗里达,但当我滑旱冰进入本的柠檬水摊时,一切都变了。我们声称。但我想,也许柠檬水里有大约6 个柠檬水,当柠檬水如雨点般落在我们身上时,它施下了咒语,使我们成为永远的朋友。”我们断言。 “也许你的家人也会搬到弗吉尼亚州。”本说。 “也许你的家人也会搬到弗吉尼亚州。”本说。 “是的,也许吧。”我知道机会很小,但我还是对我笑了笑,虽然看起来很悲伤,但我在他身上也看到了7。 “我知道机会渺茫,但我还是选择了希望。本对我微笑。“我有一个柠檬水摊位8 给你。”“然后我会收拾我的溜冰鞋。 “那我就穿一件雨披” 我们9 号。潮湿的佛罗里达夜晚笼罩着我们,我感觉到有一小滴液体溅到了我的手臂上。我知道这可能是雨,但我仍然认为,也许,这是一滴神奇的柠檬水,因为地球上没有任何东西可以打破我们之间的10。我感觉,佛罗里达潮湿的夜晚笼罩着我们,我们都笑了。我的手臂上有一滴液体。我知道可能会下雨,但我仍然想,也许,那是一滴神奇的柠檬水,因为世界上没有任何东西可以打破我们之间的纽带。

1.A.声音B. 模式C.数字D. 符号2.A.顽皮B. 感激C.开朗D. 有意义3.A.失败B. 软化C.沉没D. 松了口气4.A.讨厌B. 错过了C.探索D. 赞赏5。 A. 逐渐地B. 狭窄地C.不断D. 意外6.A.标志B. 魔法C.味道D.wish7.A.希望B. 喜悦C.勇气D. 支持8.A.必要B. 方便C.准备好D. 有用9.A.挣扎B. 争论C.笑了D. 妥协10.A.规则B. 债券C.障碍D. 平衡刘凯老师分析:这篇完形填空是一篇记叙文。这次完形填空的难度还不错,大家都能轻松理解文章的大意了!


刘凯老师介绍,刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人。本科毕业于哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士毕业于北京理工大学。 2010年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学交流学习; 2013年美国亚利桑那大学访问学者; 2015年,在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学学习ESL; 2018年获得加州理工学院语言学双学位; 2019年赴澳大利亚麦考瑞大学交流学习; GRE托福考试全球得分最高者;获得长江商学院EMBA学位。

北京市优秀青年教师,北京市重点高中示范学校骨干教师,多年高中一线教学经验,高三关卡老师,多次参加东城区模拟试题、命题,教学理念先进,教学成果突出,多篇教学论文荣获市级奖励。多篇文章发表在《中国教育报》 《中国考试》 《北京教育》等报刊上。多次参与高考阅卷工作,参与人民教育出版社、北京教育出版社、外语研究出版社等各类高考教材的编写。拥有丰富的高考备考经验,在国际核心期刊发表多篇论文。














教学理念:英语老师是幸运的,也是有责任和学生一起敲开世界之门的!第二部分阅读理解(两部分,共38分) 阅读第一部分(共14题,每题2分,共28分) 对于下面的文章,从A、B、C四个选项中选择最佳选项每题中给出、D ,并将答卷上的选项涂黑。






尽管户外的街头小贩可以买到食物,但为了表示尊重,剧院内禁止携带食物。然而,在20 年代末,纽瓦克普罗克特剧院的经营者开始设立看台,以改善大萧条时期的经济状况。爆米花和可乐将成为剧院收入的重要组成部分。虽然可以从户外的街头小贩那里购买食物,但出于礼貌,剧院内禁止饮食。然而,在20 年代末,纽瓦克普罗克特剧院的经营者开始搭建露天看台,以改善大萧条时期的经济状况。爆米花和可乐将成为影院收入的重要组成部分。



该剧院最初于1914 年开业,当时名为普罗克特第四街剧院,曾接待过杰克·本尼(Jack Benny) 和鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope) 等著名喜剧演员。 1929年起,陆续被接管,更名为普罗克特特洛伊剧院,并转而放映电影,20世纪60年代开始放映二轮电影,1977年停业。 1979年、2010年,剧院进行了修复,但目前已不再使用。

它最初于1914 年开业,当时名为普罗克特第四街剧院,曾接待过杰克·本尼(Jack Benny) 和鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope) 等著名喜剧演员。 1929年开始,陆续被接管,更名为普罗克特特洛伊剧院,并转而放映电影。 20 世纪60 年代,它开始放映第二轮电影,并于1977 年关闭。1979 年,它被列入国家历史名胜名录(NRHP)。 2010年,剧院得到修复,但现已不再使用。



最初于1928 年开业。RKO Keith 法拉盛剧院由托马斯·兰姆(Thomas Lamb) 设计。 1982年在NRHP上市。 1986年,剧院被新主人买下并关闭,新主人计划在此处建造购物中心,故意破坏剧院大厅。 2019 年,尽管进行了保护工作,大厅还是被拆除,为住宅塔楼让路。

雷电华基思法拉盛剧院最初于1928 年开业,由托马斯·兰姆(Thomas Lamb) 设计。 1982年在NRHP上市。 1986年,剧院被新主人买下并关闭,新主人计划在这里建造一座购物中心,并故意破坏大厅。 2019年,尽管进行了保护工作,大厅还是被拆除,为住宅楼让路。



该剧院最初于1908年开业,当时名为费城歌剧院。1920年代,它更名为大都会歌剧院,除了接待各种歌剧公司外,还放映无声电影。 20世纪40年代,这里成为运动场。 1954年,这里被辟为教堂。 20世纪90年代末。该建筑由马克·哈切尔(Mark Hatcher) 购买。教堂和开发商就修复一座音乐场馆达成协议,该场馆已于2018 年竣工并重新开放。

该剧院最初于1908 年开业,当时名为费城歌剧院。 1920年代,更名为大都会歌剧院,除了主办各歌剧团外,还放映无声电影。 20世纪40年代,这里被改建成运动场。 1954年改建为教堂。 20世纪90年代末。该建筑由马克·哈切尔(Mark Hatcher) 购买。教堂和开发商就音乐场馆的修复达成协议,该场馆于2018 年完工并重新开放。 21. 1920% 后期,纽瓦克的普罗克特剧院(Proctor’ Theatre) 的看台设置为_______。

20 年代末,纽瓦克普罗克特剧院设立了看台

A. 尊重客人


C. 宣传新上映的电影

D. 与街头小贩竞争22.从文章中我们可以知道什么我们可以从文章中知道什么

A. RKO基思的法拉盛剧院保存完好。

特洛伊的B. Proctor's 剧院现在正在放映二轮电影。

C. 大都会歌剧院的功能发生了变化。

纽瓦克D. Proctor's Theatre 已正式列入NRHP.23。这段文字的目的是什么这段文字的目的是什么

A. 对旧的和未修复的剧院进行排名。


C. 鼓励人们保护老剧院。

D. 提供有关被忽视的旧剧院的信息。




自从读了克利里关于摩托车鼠拉尔夫的系列小说后,我就不再以同样的方式看待乒乓球—— 或世界了。令人惊讶的是,自从我从诺斯波特的学校图书馆借了《老鼠和摩托车》 以来,四十多年过去了,但那个特定的图像对我来说仍然像以前一样清晰。








that by second or third grade, my teacher assigned a project that allowed us to focus on whatever we wanted. My best friend picked dolphins; I chose children's authors. with a large chunk of my project being about who else Beverly Cleary! 我已经写了八本儿童读物,并一直将贝弗利的好奇心铭记在心。我不记得我是在什么年龄决定写书的,但我知道在二、三年级的时候,我的老师布置了一个项目,让我们能够专注于我们想要的任何事情。我最好的朋友选择了海豚;我选择了儿童作家。我的项目大部分都是关于谁的 贝弗莉佳! I told that story recently to a school group. One of the students said, “That's fantastic! You did your project on children's authors and then you became one!” 我最近把这个故事告诉了一个学校小组。其中一个学生说:“太好了!你完成了儿童作家的研究项目,然后你就成了一个作家!” “Yes.” I said. “And my best friend who did her project on dolphins---became a dolphin!” “是的。”我说。“我最好的朋友做了一个关于海豚的项目,她变成了一只海豚!” “Really ” the students said in chorus. “真的吗 学生们异口同声地说。 And that perfectly sums up why I love writing for children: the belief that fantastic, magical things can happen. Best friends can become dolphins; mice can ride toy motorcycles and become our friends. 这完美地总结了我为什么喜欢为孩子们写作:相信奇妙、神奇的事情会发生。最好的朋友可以变成海豚;老鼠可以骑玩具摩托车,成为我们的朋友。 That's what Beverly Cleary taught me. In the hands of a gifted storyteller, anything is possible... and so very funny. 这是贝弗利·克利里教我的。在一个有天赋的说书人手中,一切皆有可能。非常有趣。 24.The Mouse and the Motorcycle impressed the author mainly because_______.《老鼠和摩托车》给作者留下深刻印象主要是因为 A.it recorded animals’ life B.it revealed the wisdom of life C.it encouraged children to raise pets D.it described the world from children's eyes25.When learning the author's friend became a dolphin, the students felt ______.当得知作者的朋友变成了海豚时,学生们感到 A. amazed B. doubtful C. scared D. confused26.What is the passage mainly about 这篇文章主要讲的是什么 A. What the author created to attract children B. What the author did to turn impossible into possible C. How Beverly Cleary aroused children's interest in reading D. How the author was inspired to be a writer by Beverly Cleary C When a chunk of ice fell from a collapsing glacier(冰川)on the Swiss Alps’ Mount Eiger in 2017, part of the long deep sound it produced was too low for human ears to detect. But these vibrations held a key to calculating the ice avalanche's(崩塌)critical characteristics. 2017年,当一块冰从瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉艾格尔山上的一座崩塌的冰川上落下时,它产生的部分长而深沉的声音太低,人类的耳朵无法探测到。但这些振动是计算冰崩关键特征的关键。 Low-frequency sound waves called infrasound that travel great distances through the atmosphere are already used to monitor active volcanoes from afar. Now some researchers in this field have switched focus from fire to ice: dangerous blocks snapping off glaciers. Previous work has analyzed infrasound from snow avalanches but never ice, says Boise State University geophysicist Jeffrey Johnson. “This was different,” Johnson says. “A signature of a new material has been detected with infrasound." Usually glaciers move far too slowly to generate an infrasound signal. which researchers pick up using detectors that track slight changes in air pressure. But a collapse-a sudden, rapid breaking of ice from the glacier's main body-is a prolific infrasound producer. Glacial collapses drive ice avalanches, which pose an increasing threat to people in mountainous regions as rising temperatures weaken large fields of ice, A glacier "can become detached from the ground due to melting, causing bigger break-offs.” says University of Florence geologist Emanuele Marchetti, lead author of the new study. As the threat grows, scientists seek new ways to monitor and detect such collapses. Researchers often use radar to frack ice avalanches, which is precise hut expensive and can monitor only one specific location and neighboring avalanche paths. Infrasound, Marchetti says, is cheaper and can detect break-off events around a much broader area as well as multiple avalanches across a mountain. It is challenging, however, to separate a signal into its components (such as traffic noises, inpidual avalanches and nearby earthquakes) without additional measurements. says ETH Zurich glaciologist Malgorzata Chmiel.” The model used by Marchetti is a first approximation for this," she says. Isolating the relevant signal helps the researchers monitor an ice avalanche's speed, path and volume from afar using infrasound Marchetti and his colleagues are now working to improve their detectors to pick up more signals across at-risk regions in Europe, and they have set up collaborations around the continent to better understand signals that collapsing glaciers produce. They are also refining their mathematical analysis to figure out each ice cascade's physical details. 27.What can we learn from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 我们能从第二段和第三段中学到什么 A. Infrasound has a major role to play in discovering new materials. B. Ice avalanches are a bigger threat to people than volcanic eruptions. C. Researchers are trying to use infrasound in detecting ice avalanches. D. Scientists employ infrasound more in mountain areas than in other places.28.Which is an advantage of infrasound over radar 次声雷达的优势是什么 A. The combination with other relevant signals. B. The accuracy in locating a certain avalanche. C. The ability in picking up signals in wider areas. D. The sensitivity in tracking air pressure changes.29.The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 4 refers to第4段中划线的“this”指的是 A. distinguishing different components of a signal B. detecting multiple avalanches at the same time C. calculating the speed and path of ice avalanches D. monitoring the specific location of ice break-offs30.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage 下面哪个是这篇文章最好的标题 A. From Fire to lee B. Glacier Whispers C. Nature is Warning D. Secret of Ice Avalanches D In over 25 years, DeSimone has spun his research findings into commercial gold by launching several businesses. As a faculty member at the University of North Carolina, he provided scientific advice and held equity in the businesses. But he has never actually managed his companies, His employers bar him from simultaneously holding an academic post and an executive position. The dual poles can present huge conflicts. 在超过25年的时间里,德西蒙通过创办几家公司,将他的研究成果转化为商业黄金。作为北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)的教员,他提供科学建议,并持有这些企业的股权。但他从未真正管理过他的公司,他的雇主禁止他同时担任学术职位和行政职位。两极可能会带来巨大的冲突。 Conflicts of interest(COIs) occur when an inpidual's personal interests-family, friendships. financial, or social factors-could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace, and it makes sound career sense to think about how to manage them. Researchers should disclose potential or existing conflicts across all aspects of academic life. In most places, COI management runs on an honor system. Researchers decide which financial holdings and relationships to disclose to university administrators. Journals and funders adopt a similar system when they ask authors and peer reviewers about potential conflicts related to manuscript or grant approvals. Most research institutions offer training to help faculty members to understand what constitutes a potential or existing conflict. Administrators then decide whether the interest presents a conflict, and whether that conflict can be handled. If so, they create a management plan to address it. If not, researchers must abandon the work, partner with researchers at other institutions, or leave their university Perception plays a part in defining a potential conflict, warns Walt, a chemist at Tufts University. Investigators who develop a technology in the laboratory and then transfer it to their company could create a conflict of interest in the eyes of their students, Walt says. But the potential conflict can be avoided by drafting a licensing agreement that bars discoveries from automatically being transferred to the investigator's company. Walt created such an arrangement to assure his students that they weren't actually working for his private companies. Relationships can pose conflicts when conference organizers are choosing speakers. Members of the American Society for Human Genetics program committee, which selects abstracts and talks for their annual meeting, must recuse(要求回避)themselves from considering talks by, for example, researchers at their current and past institutions, close collaborators and those with whom they have personal or familial ties. Even differing points of view can play a part. Scacheri, a geneticist who chairs the committee, says that members who have disagreed personally with potential speakers might also be obliged to recuse themselves: “If you feel like you can't be an impartial(公正的)reviewer, that is considered a COI.” Handling COIs can be burdensome. COI managers emphasize that the goal is not to suppress innovation, but to expose potential conflicts so that they can be managed. “Nothing about the process is meant to be prohibitive,” says Grewal, a COI officer at MIT. Her institution wants to enable good science and the betterment of humanity. “During that process.” she says, “if you make some money that's good as well.”31.The example of DeSimone in Paragraph 1 is used mainly to______.第一段中DeSimone的例子主要用于 A. raise a question B. report a finding C. introduce a topic D. present a theory32.To better deal with COIs, _______. A. researchers have to quit their job at the university B. researchers should report the conflicts that possibly exist C. institutions need to monitor the staff's career and relationships D. institutions should train researchers to create management plans33.What can we learn from the passage 我们能从文章中学到什么 A. Grewal considers COI management exhausting and costly. B. Walt arranged to transfer discoveries at his lab to his companies. C. Conference organizers should avoid inviting unqualified speakers D. Scacheri believes personal viewpoints may impact a reviewer's decision.34.What can we infer from the passage 我们能从文章中推断出什么 A. COIs can be defined depending on interpretations. B. COIs benefit scientific innovation and better humanity. C.COIs arise primarily due to the pursuit of financial gains. D.COIs can be got rid of by promoting fairness in workplaces第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How much time do you spend doing research before you make a decision There are people who go over every detail exhaustively before making a choice. 35 Psychologists call this way of thinking a cognitive bias(偏见),a tendency toward a specific mental mistake.你在做决定之前会花多少时间做研究 有些人在做出选择之前会仔细检查每一个细节。但相当多的人会迅速得出结论。心理学家称这种思维方式为认知偏差,即倾向于某种特定的心理错误。 To study “jumping”, we examined decision-making patterns among more than 600 people from the general population. We found that jumpers made more errors than non-jumpers on problems that require thoughtful analysis. 36 In a quiz about US civics, they overestimated the chance that their answers were right significantly more than other participants did-even when their answers were wrong. So what is behind "jumping" Psychological researchers commonly distinguish between two pathways of thought: automatic system, which reflects ideas that come to the mind easily, spontaneously and without effort, and controlled system including conscious and effortful reasoning. Jumpers and non- jumpers are equally influenced by automatic thoughts._ 37 It is the controlled system that helps people counter balance mental biases introduced by the automatic system. As a result, jumpers were more likely to accept the conclusion made at first blush without further questioning. A lack of controlled thinking is also more broadly connected to their problematic beliefs and faulty reasoning. 38 A method called metacognitive training can be used to target their biases, which can help people think more deliberatively. In this training, participants are confronted with their own biases. They can learn about the missteps and other ways of thinking through the problem at hand. It helps to chip away at participants’ overconfidence. In everyday life, the question of whether we should think things through or instead go with our gut is a frequent and important one, 39 Sometimes the most important decision we make can be to take some more time before making a choice. A. Happily, there may be some hope for jumpers. B. Also, jumpers had problems with overconfidence. C. But a fair number of inpiduals are quick to jump to conclusions. D. It is certainly possible for them to overthink things to take a decision. E. We plan to continue the work to trace other problems introduced by jumping F. The jumpers, however, did not engage in controlled reasoning to the same degree as non-jumpers. G. Recent studies show that even gathering just a little bit more evidence may help us avoid a major mistake.第三部分书面表达(共节32分)第一节(共4小题,第4041题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分、共12分)阅读下面短文,根据题目要求用英文回答问题。请在答题卡指定区域作答。 You might not have heard of the "fresh start effect", but if you've ever made a New Year's resolution. You’re familiar with it. It refers to the human tendency to take action towards achieving a goal after a special occasion or key date has passed. 你可能没听说过“新开始效应”,但如果你曾下过新年决心的话。你对它很熟悉。它指的是在特殊场合或关键日期过后,人们为了实现目标而采取行动的倾向。 The fresh start effect is simple. Most people want to improve themselves in some way. When we hit important milestones. We’re often likely to reflect: are we where we thought we’d be by a certain age Was this year a successful year, or did we waste it Annual landmarks like birthdays, or the start of a new year, signify a new time period and an opportunity to leave slip-ups behind and to set new goals for better behavior. 重新开始的效果很简单。大多数人都想在某些方面提高自己。当我们达到重要的里程碑时。我们经常会想:我们在某个年龄会达到我们想要达到的高度吗 今年是成功的一年,还是我们浪费了它?每年的里程碑,比如生日,或者新的一年的开始,都意味着一个新的时期,意味着一个机会,可以把错误抛在身后,为更好的行为设定新的目标。 Research shows that anticipation of a new beginning is a key motivator for the fresh start effect. For example, people aged 29,39,49 etc. were 48% more likely to run a marathon for the first time. When they were approaching a new decade, they were more likely to search for meaning in their lives and try to improve themselves. The reason is simple. When we see our past self as separate from our current self, we feel it easier to introduce new goals and take action. 研究表明,对新开始的期待是“新开始效应”的关键动力。例如,29岁、39岁、49岁等年龄的人第一次参加马拉松的可能性要高出48%。当他们接近新的十年时,他们更有可能寻找生活的意义,努力提高自己。原因很简单。当我们把过去的自己和现在的自己分开时,我们会觉得更容易制定新的目标并采取行动。 What's interesting about the fresh start effect is that we don't need to wait for big milestones to take advantage of this sudden dose of motivation. Studies show that the firs! day of each month and even each week can also inspire us. These days, known as "temporal landmarks", encourage us to step back and evaluate our current situation. And when we do this. we gain the motivation to be better: we become more driven and more productive. That is why people are more likely to start diets or exercise plans on Monday, rather than the next day. “重新开始效应”的有趣之处在于,我们不需要等到重大的里程碑,就可以利用这种突然产生的动力。研究表明冷杉!每个月的一天,甚至每个星期的一天也可以激励我们。这些日子,被称为“时间里程碑”,鼓励我们退后一步,评估我们的现状。当我们这样做的时候。我们获得了变得更好的动力:我们变得更有动力,更有效率。这就是为什么人们更有可能在周一开始节食或锻炼计划,而不是第二天。 Fresh starts are exciting opportunities to learn from your mistakes and move forward. So if you're currently experiencing loss of motivation, questioning the meaning of your work, or just feel like you're stuck in a rut【一成不变】, why don't you use the fresh start effect in your own life 全新的开始是令人兴奋的机会,让你从错误中学习并继续前进。所以,如果你现在正经历失去动力,质疑你工作的意义,或者感觉自己陷入了窠梏,为什么不在自己的生活中运用“重新开始效应”呢 40.According to the passage, what is “fresh start effect” 根据文章,什么是“fresh start effect” 41.Why is it that "anticipation of a new beginning is a key motivator for the fresh start effect" 为什么“对新开始的期待是新开始效应的关键动力” 42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.请判断下列哪个部分是错误的,然后在下面划线并解释为什么。◆A fresh start like the first day of each week is a time when we forget about our mistakes and move forward.像每周的第一天这样一个全新的开始,是我们忘记错误并继续前进的时候。43.Besides the fresh start effect, in what other ways do you motivate yourself in your life 除了重新开始效应,在生活中你还用什么方式激励自己 (In about 40 words)
