How to say 'dinner' in English?

留学政策2023-12-26 05:34小编

How to say 'dinner' in English?






4.除了"dinner"外,还有一些其他常用的表达方式,如"supper"、"evening meal"、"last meal of the day"等。

5.在正式场合或商务聚会中,通常会使用更正式的表达方式,如"dinner party"、"formal dinner"等。

6.如果想要强调用餐的时间,可以用词组 "have dinner"来表示。例如:"We usually have dinner at 7 o'clock."

7.在英国和澳大利亚等国家,晚餐通常被称为 "tea" 或 "tea time"。但它们并不指茶水,而是指晚饭。例如:"Let's have tea at 6 o'clock."

8.在美国和加拿大等国家,则习惯称晚餐为 "supper"。例如:"We always have supper together as a family."




1. Dinner是指晚餐,是一天中最重要的一餐。在英语中,有多种方式来表达“晚餐”,下面将为大家介绍几种常用的表达方式。

2. Dinner

这是最常用的表达方式,通常指的是晚上吃的正式一顿饭。例如:“What time is dinner?”意思是“晚饭几点吃?”或者“Let's have dinner together.”意思是“我们一起吃晚饭吧。”

3. Supper

Supper也可以用来指晚餐,但它通常指的是比较轻松、简单的晚餐。例如:“We had a light supper last night.”意思是“昨晚我们吃了一个简单的晚餐。”

4. Evening meal

这个短语也可以用来表示晚餐,但它更加正式和礼貌。例如:“We would like to invite you for an evening meal.”意思是“我们想邀请你来吃一顿正式的晚餐。”

5. Tea

在英国,有些人会把下午茶当作一顿轻松的早餐,而把晚上吃的正式一顿称为tea。例如:“Shall we have tea at 6 o'clock?”意思是“我们六点钟喝下午茶好吗?”

6. Sup

这个词通常用来指晚上吃的一顿小吃,例如三明治、水果等。它也可以作为晚餐的代名词,但比较少见。例如:“I had a quick sup before going to bed.”意思是“我睡前吃了一点小吃。”

7. Evening meal

这个短语也可以用来表示晚餐,但它更加正式和礼貌。例如:“We would like to invite you for an evening meal.”意思是“我们想邀请你来吃一顿正式的晚餐。”

8. Dinner party

Dinner party指的是一个由主人邀请客人来家里吃晚餐的聚会。通常会有多道菜、精心布置的桌子和美好的氛围。例如:“We're having a dinner party this Saturday, would you like to join us?”意思是“我们这周六有一个晚宴,你想加入我们吗?”

9. Family dinner

Family dinner指的是家人一起共进晚餐的时刻,通常会有全家人坐在一起分享食物和交流生活。例如:“We always have a family dinner on Sundays.”意思是“我们每个星期天都会全家人一起吃晚餐。”

10. Takeout/delivery

如果你不想出门或者没有时间做饭,可以选择外卖或者送货上门服务。这种方式也可以被称为晚餐,但它通常指的是从外面买来的食物。例如:“Let's order takeout for dinner tonight.”意思是“今晚我们点外卖吧。”

11. Potluck

Potluck是一种聚餐方式,每个人都会带一道菜或者一些小吃来分享。这种方式也可以被称为晚餐,但它更加轻松和随意。例如:“We're having a potluck for dinner, what dish are you bringing?”意思是“我们今晚要吃聚餐,你要带什么菜来分享?”


1. 美国:In the United States, dinner is the main meal of the day and is typically eaten in the evening. It can also be referred to as supper or just simply "dinner".

2. 英国:In Britain, dinner is also the main meal of the day but is usually eaten in the afternoon or early evening. It can be called tea, especially in more casual settings.

3. 法国:In France, dinner is known as "dîner" and is usually a later meal compared to other countries, starting around 8pm or even later.

4. 西班牙:In Spain, dinner is called "cena" and it's usually a lighter meal compared to lunch. It's typically eaten around 9pm or later.

5. 意大利:In Italy, dinner is known as "cena" and it's considered a social event where friends and family gather to enjoy a long meal together.

6. 日本:In Japan, dinner is called "晩ご飯 (bangohan)" and it's usually eaten between 6-8pm. It often consists of rice, soup, and various side dishes.

7. 韩国:In South Korea, dinner is known as "저녁 (jeonyeok)" and it's typically eaten between 6-7pm. It can include rice, soup, meat dishes, and various side dishes.

8. 印度:In India, dinner is referred to as "खाना (khana)" and it's usually eaten between 7-9pm. It can consist of rice or bread with various curries and side dishes.

9. 巴西:In Brazil, dinner is called "jantar" and it's usually eaten between 7-9pm. It often includes rice, beans, and a protein like meat or fish.

10. 阿拉伯国家:In Arab countries, dinner is known as "عشاء (asha)" and it's typically eaten after sunset. It can include a variety of dishes such as rice, meat, and vegetables.



1. Dinner is a common word used to refer to the main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening.


2. It is important to know how to use this word correctly in formal situations, such as business dinners or formal events.


3. In formal situations, it is more appropriate to use the word "dinner" instead of other synonyms like "supper" or "evening meal".

在正式场合,使用“dinner”这个词比其他同义词如“supper”或“evening meal”更加恰当。

4. When extending an invitation for a dinner event, it is polite to use phrases like "Would you like to join me for dinner?" or "I would be honored if you could join me for dinner."


5. During a formal dinner, it is customary to wait for the host or hostess to start eating before beginning your own meal.


6. Proper table manners are also important during a formal dinner. This includes using utensils correctly, not talking with your mouth full, and keeping your elbows off the table.


7. When discussing dinner plans in a formal setting, it is polite to ask for others' preferences and take them into consideration when making a decision.


8. If you are unsure of the dress code for a formal dinner, it is best to err on the side of caution and dress more formally than you think is necessary.


9. Remember to use "dinner" as a noun, not a verb. For example, say "I am having dinner" instead of "I am dinnering".


10. In summary, knowing how to use the word "dinner" correctly in formal situations shows respect and good manners towards others. Use these tips to confidently navigate any formal dinner event in English.


1. Dinner - 晚餐,一般指晚上吃的正餐。

2. Supper - 晚餐,一般指晚上比较轻松的小吃。

3. Meal - 餐,可以用来指任何一顿饭。

4. Feast - 宴会,一般指盛大的宴会或节日聚餐。

5. Banquet - 宴会,与feast类似,但更加正式和隆重。

6. Repast - 饭食,可以用来指任何一顿饭或特定的食物。

7. Spread - 美食佳肴,常用来形容丰盛的饭菜或宴会上的美食。

8. Mealtime - 用餐时间,在英语中没有固定的用餐时间,但一般午餐是在中午12点左右,晚餐是在下午6点至8点之间。

9. Dine - 吃晚饭,在英语中也可以用来表示吃其他一顿正式的晚餐。

10. Have a bite to eat - 吃点东西,在英语中也可以表示吃任何一顿饭。

11. Grab a meal/snack/bite - 抓紧时间吃一顿/小吃/点心,在忙碌的情况下快速进食。

12. Sit down to eat/dine - 坐下来吃饭/用餐,在英语中也可以表示正式地用餐。

13. Have dinner together - 一起吃晚饭,在英语中也可以表示一起吃其他一顿正式的晚餐。

14. Enjoy a meal - 享用美食,在英语中也可以表示享用任何一顿饭。

15. Cook dinner - 做晚饭,在英语中也可以表示做其他一顿正式的晚餐。

16. Order take-out - 订外卖,在忙碌或懒惰的情况下选择外卖。

17. Takeaway - 外卖,与take-out类似,但更常用于英国和澳大利亚等国家。

18. Potluck dinner - 联谊晚宴,每个人都带一道菜来分享的聚会形式。

19. Family dinner - 家庭聚餐,家人一起吃晚饭的活动。

20. Romantic dinner - 浪漫晚餐,情侣之间共进晚餐的浪漫活动。

晚餐在不同国家有着不同的习惯和用语,但是它们都代表着一种重要的社交活动。在正式场合中,“dinner”一词的使用也需要注意,希望本文能够帮助大家更加准确地使用这个词汇。除了常用的“have dinner”外,还有许多与“dinner”相关的短语和表达,如“dinner party”、“dinner date”等等。作为这篇文章的小编,我非常感谢大家阅读,并希望能够为大家提供有价值的信息。如果你喜欢本文,请记得分享给你的朋友们,让更多人了解如何在英语中说“晚餐”。谢谢!
