How to say watch in English?

留学政策2023-12-26 05:50小编

How to say watch in English?




那么,“watch”的意思到底是什么呢?除了作为名词表示手表之外,它还可以作为动词使用。比如,“I like to watch TV”意思就是“我喜欢看电视”。此外,“watch”还有监视、观察的含义,比如“Watch out for the cars!”就是提醒别人小心车辆。

或许你会问,“那么‘watch’和‘see’有什么区别呢?”其实它们两个都可以表示看的意思,但用法上有所不同。“see”更多指的是随意看到某物或某事物,而“watch”则强调经过观察、专注地看。比如,“I saw a bird in the tree”就是随便看到了树上有只鸟;而“I watched the bird in the tree for hours”则表示花了很多时间专注地观察那只鸟。

在英语中,还有一些与“watch”相关的表达,比如“keep an eye on”和“look out for”。它们都表示监视、留意的意思,但稍有不同。“keep an eye on”更多指的是保持关注,比如“Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?”就是让别人帮忙看着自己的包;而“look out for”则强调提醒、预防,比如“Look out for pickpockets in crowded areas”就是提醒大家在拥挤地区要小心扒手。


1. Watch是一个常见的英文单词,意为“手表”或“观看”,但它的发音却令很多人头疼。

2. 很多人会将watch的发音读作/wɒtʃ/,但实际上这是错误的。正确的发音应该是/wɒtʃ/,其中/tʃ/的发音与中国话中的“吃”类似。

3. 如果你想要更准确地模仿英美人士的发音,可以将/tʃ/发音稍微放慢一点,让它更加清晰。

4. 当然,如果你觉得/tʃ/太难以掌握,也可以使用近似的发音/wɑːtʃ/,这也是被广泛接受的正确发音之一。

5. 除了单词本身,还有一些常用短语也会用到watch这个单词,比如:

- Watch out:小心、注意

- Watch TV:看电视

- Watch a movie:看电影

6. 此外,在英国口语中经常会将watch缩写为wotch(/wɒtʃ/),在美国则缩写为watsh(/wɑːtʃ/)。

7. 总结一下,在说watch这个单词时,请记住它应该是两个元音连在一起(wa-tch),而不是三个音节(wa-t-ch)。

8. 最后,如果你还是觉得发音有些困难,不妨多听一听英语原生者的发音,或是通过跟读练习来提高自己的发音准确度。相信经过一段时间的练习,你也能轻松地说出“watch”这个单词啦!


1. Watch as a noun:

- Definition: a small timepiece worn typically on the wrist or carried in a pocket.

Example sentence: I always wear my watch to keep track of time during class.

- Definition: a period of vigil, especially at night, for observing or praying.

Example sentence: The soldiers took turns keeping watch during the night.

2. Watch as a verb:

- Definition: to look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time.

Example sentence: I like to watch the sunset every evening from my balcony.

- Definition: to be careful or cautious about something.

Example sentence: You need to watch your diet if you want to lose weight.

3. Watch out:

- Definition: used as an exclamation to warn someone of danger or an impending event.

Example sentence: Watch out! There's a car coming!

- Definition: to be vigilant or on one's guard against something.

Example sentence: You need to watch out for pickpockets in crowded areas.

4. Keep watch:

- Definition: to maintain surveillance over someone or something.

Example sentence: The security guards keep watch over the building at night.

- Definition: to stay awake and alert during a period of time when sleep is customary.

Example sentence: The parents took turns keeping watch over their sick child throughout the night.

5. Watchful:

- Definition: paying close attention; vigilant.

Example sentence: The cat was very watchful while stalking its prey.

- Definition: showing caution and care; prudent.

Example sentence: She was very watchful with her words in front of her strict boss.

6. Timepiece:

- Definition: any device for measuring and indicating time, especially one that does not have hands like a clock but rather displays the time digitally or electronically (e.g. smartwatch).

Example sentence: My new timepiece has many features, including heart rate monitoring and step tracking.

7. Wristwatch:

- Definition: a watch worn on the wrist.

Example sentence: My grandfather gave me his old wristwatch, which he wore during World War II.

8. Pocket watch:

- Definition: a watch designed to be carried in a pocket, often attached to a chain.

Example sentence: The old man pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time before boarding the train.

9. Watch face:

- Definition: the front part of a watch that displays the time.

Example sentence: The watch face on my new smartwatch is customizable and can show different designs and colors.

10. Watch band/strap:

- Definition: the part of a watch that goes around your wrist.

Example sentence: I need to replace the watch band on my favorite watch because it broke.

11. Watch battery:

- Definition: a small battery used to power a watch.

Example sentence: My watch stopped working, so I need to change the watch battery.

12. Watch repair:

- Definition: the act of fixing or restoring a broken or damaged watch.

Example sentence: The jeweler specializes in watch repair and can fix any type of problem with your timepiece.

13. Watch collector:

- Definition: someone who collects watches as a hobby or for investment purposes.

Example sentence: My uncle is an avid watch collector and has an impressive collection of vintage watches from all over the world.

14. Watch aficionado:

- Definition: someone who is very knowledgeable and passionate about watches.

Example sentence: The speaker at the conference was a true watch aficionado, sharing interesting facts about different types of watches and their history.

15. Watch your step:

- Definition: used as an exclamation to warn someone to be careful where they are walking.

Example sentence: As we were hiking through the forest, my friend warned me to "watch my step" as there were many tree roots on the path


1. Timepiece - This is a more formal and elegant way of saying "watch".

2. Wristwatch - A watch that is worn on the wrist.

3. Pocket watch - A traditional style of watch that is carried in a pocket.

4. Analog watch - A watch with hands that point to numbers or symbols to indicate the time.

5. Digital watch - A watch with a digital display, usually showing the time in numbers.

6. Chronograph - A watch with a stopwatch function, used for measuring time intervals.

7. Smartwatch - A high-tech watch that can connect to your phone and perform various functions such as receiving notifications, tracking fitness, and making calls.

8. Watch face/dial - The front part of the watch where the time is displayed.

9. Watch hands - The hands on an analog watch that indicate the hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds.

10. Hour/minute/second hand - The individual hands on an analog watch that show the current time.

11. Bezel - The ring around the edge of the watch face that holds the crystal in place.

12. Strap/band - The material that goes around your wrist to hold the watch in place.

13. Buckle/clasp - The fastening mechanism on a strap or band that secures it around your wrist.

14. Crown - The small knob on the side of a watch used for setting the time and date.

15. Water-resistant/waterproof - Describes how well a watch can withstand exposure to water without getting damaged.

16. Battery life/power reserve- The amount of time a battery-powered watch can run before needing to be recharged or have its battery replaced.

17. Ticking/tick-tock sound- The sound made by a mechanical or quartz movement as it measures time and moves the hands of the watch.

18. Automatic/self-winding- Describes watches that are powered by the movement of the wearer's arm and do not require manual winding.

19. Quartz - A type of watch movement that uses a battery to power a small piece of quartz crystal, which keeps time accurately.

20. Swiss-made - A term used to describe watches that are manufactured in Switzerland, known for their high-quality and precision.

21. Luxury/watchmaking brands - Some well-known luxury watch brands include Rolex, Omega, Cartier, and Patek Philippe.

22. Time zone - A region of the world that observes the same standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes.

23. Daylight saving time - The practice of advancing clocks during the summer months to extend daylight hours in the evening.

24. Set/adjust the time - The act of changing the time displayed on a watch to match the current time.

25. Keep track of time - To monitor or be aware of how much time has passed or is remaining.

26. Be on time/running late- To arrive at a designated place or event at the scheduled or expected time/to arrive later than planned or expected.

27. Time flies - An expression used to describe how quickly time seems to pass by.

28. Kill/waste/spend time- To use up or lose valuable time without being productive or achieving anything significant.

29. In no time/in a jiffy- Describes something that happens very quickly or soon after being mentioned.

30. Watch out/be careful/pay attention- An expression used as a warning for someone to be cautious and attentive in a particular situation


1. 在日常生活中,我们经常会用到“watch”这个词,比如问别人“你看什么?”或者“你在看电视吗?”这时候可以用“watch”来表示“看”的意思。

2. 如果要表达“观看比赛或演出”,可以用短语“watch a game/show”。比如,“I’m going to watch a basketball game tonight.”(我今晚要去看篮球比赛。)

3. 当我们想询问时间时,可以使用短语“check the time”。例如,“Can you check the time for me?”(你能帮我查一下时间吗?)

4. 如果想表达对某件事情的关注或关心,可以用动词短语“keep an eye on”。例如,“Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the bathroom?”(我上厕所的时候能帮我看着我的包吗?)

5. 在商务场合,如果要提醒别人注意时间,可以说“Watch the time”。例如,“We need to finish this meeting in 30 minutes, so watch the time.”(我们需要在30分钟内结束这次会议,所以请把握好时间。)

6. 当需要强调观察某件事情的细节时,可以用动词短语 “take a close look at”。例如,“I need to take a close look at this contract before signing it.”(在签署合同之前,我需要仔细检查一下。)

7. 如果想表达“关注”或“关心”的意思,可以用短语“keep a watchful eye”。例如,“We need to keep a watchful eye on the stock market.”(我们需要密切关注股市的情况。)

8. 在日常交流中,如果想表达“看电影”的意思,可以用短语 “watch a movie”。例如,“Do you want to watch a movie with me tonight?”(今晚你想和我一起看电影吗?)

9. 当需要提醒别人注意某件事情时,可以使用动词短语 “watch out for”。例如,“Watch out for the step, it’s slippery.”(小心台阶,很滑。)

10. 最后,在英式英语中,有时候也会用单词 “clock” 来表示 “watch”,所以如果听到别人说 “I’m going to buy a new clock”,不要以为他们要买一个挂在墙上的钟表,可能只是要买一块手表而已。

