How to say ”牙医” in English?

留学政策2023-12-26 05:56小编

How to say ”牙医” in English?



牙医,顾名思义就是专门治疗牙齿问题的医生。在英语中,牙医的正式称呼是dentist,来自拉丁语dentis,意为“牙齿”。但是在日常生活中,人们更习惯用tooth doctor来称呼牙医,因为tooth指的就是牙齿。





1. What is the English term for "牙医"?

As an international student, you may have encountered this question before: "What is the English term for '牙医'?" Well, the answer is "dentist". It may sound similar to the Chinese term, but it actually has a different origin.

2. The meaning behind "dentist"

The word "dentist" comes from the Latin word "dens", which means tooth. So, a dentist is someone who specializes in treating and preventing diseases and conditions of the teeth and gums.

3. A fun fact about "dentist"

Did you know that the first known dentist in history was an Egyptian named Hesi-Re? He lived around 2600 BC and was known as the "greatest of those who deal with teeth". Talk about a long history for this profession!

4. Other terms for "dentist"

Apart from dentist, there are also other terms used to refer to this profession in different English-speaking countries. For example, in British English, they use the term "dental surgeon", while in Australian English, they use "dental practitioner".

5. How to address a dentist?

If you ever need to make an appointment with a dentist or talk to them directly, how should you address them? Well, it's common to simply call them "doctor" or their last name followed by "doctor". For example, Dr. Smith or Dr. Johnson.

6. A little joke

Now that we've covered the serious stuff, let's add some humor into it! Why did the cookie go to the dentist? Because he had a cavity! Okay, maybe that wasn't so funny but I hope it made you smile at least.

7. Conclusion

So there you have it - now you know how to say "牙医" in English and some interesting facts about this profession. Next time you need to visit the dentist, you can impress your friends with your knowledge of the English term for it. And remember, don't forget to brush your teeth regularly!


1. Understanding the word "牙医"

In Chinese, "牙医" (yá yī) refers to a medical professional who specializes in oral health and treats tooth-related problems. However, in English, there is no direct translation for this word. Instead, there are different terms used to describe this profession depending on the specific job duties and qualifications of the individual.

2. The most common term: Dentist

The most commonly used term for "牙医" in English is "dentist". This word comes from the French word "dentiste" which means tooth doctor. A dentist is a medical professional who diagnoses and treats diseases and conditions related to teeth and gums.

3. Dental Specialist

In some cases, a dentist may choose to specialize in a particular area of dentistry such as orthodontics, periodontics, or endodontics. In these cases, they are referred to as dental specialists. For example, an orthodontist specializes in correcting misaligned teeth while a periodontist focuses on treating gum diseases.

4. Other terms for "牙医"

Other terms that are sometimes used to describe a dentist or dental specialist include:

- Dental surgeon: A dentist who performs surgical procedures related to oral health.

- Oral health practitioner: A broad term that can refer to any medical professional who deals with oral health.

- Tooth doctor: A more informal term that is sometimes used by children or in casual conversations.

5. Tips for pronouncing the English term

The English term for "牙医" may be easy for some people to pronounce while others may find it challenging due to the different sounds and tones used in Chinese compared to English. Here are some tips for pronouncing it correctly:

- Break down the word into smaller parts: Try saying each syllable separately first before putting them together. For example, "den-tist" or "den-tal spe-cial-ist".

- Pay attention to the stress: In English, certain syllables are stressed more than others. For "dentist", the stress is on the first syllable, while for "dental specialist", the stress is on the second syllable.

- Listen to native speakers: The best way to improve your pronunciation is by listening to how native English speakers say the word and imitating their intonation and stress.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, there is no direct translation for "牙医" in English. The most commonly used term is "dentist", but there are other terms that may be used depending on the specific job duties and qualifications of the individual. Remember to break down the word into smaller parts and pay attention to stress when pronouncing it correctly. With practice and exposure to native speakers, you will be able to say "牙医" in English with confidence


1. "牙医" - Dentist

- "我需要去看牙医" - I need to see a dentist.

- "我的牙疼" - My tooth hurts.

- "我需要洗牙" - I need a teeth cleaning.

2. "口腔检查" - Oral examination

- "请张开嘴,让我看看你的牙齿" - Please open your mouth so I can take a look at your teeth.

- "我需要做一个口腔检查" - I need to have an oral examination.

3. "龋齿" - Cavities

- "我的牙齿有龋齿吗?"- Do I have cavities in my teeth?

- "我需要补牙吗?" - Do I need to fill my cavities?

4. "拔牙" - Tooth extraction

- "我的智齿需要拔掉吗?"- Do I need to have my wisdom tooth extracted?

- "这个牙齿太痛了,我想要拔掉它。"- This tooth is too painful, I want it extracted.

5. "根管治疗" - Root canal treatment

- "我的牙髓发炎了,需要进行根管治疗吗?"- My tooth pulp is inflamed, do I need a root canal treatment?

6. "假牙" - Dentures

- "我需要做假牙吗?"- Do I need dentures?

7. "种植牙" - Dental implants

- "我的缺失牙齿可以通过种植牙来修复吗?"- Can my missing tooth be replaced with a dental implant?

8. "牙套" - Braces

- "我需要戴牙套吗?"- Do I need to wear braces?

9. "牙齿美白" - Teeth whitening

- "我想要让我的牙齿更白一些。"- I want to make my teeth whiter.

10. "口腔卫生" - Oral hygiene

- "每天刷两次牙,使用牙线和漱口水可以保持良好的口腔卫生。"- Brushing your teeth twice a day, using floss and mouthwash can maintain good oral hygiene


1. 首先,作为留学生,我们可能会遇到牙科问题,比如牙痛、蛀牙等。但是,在异国他乡,我们可能不知道如何寻找英文服务支持来解决这些问题。

2. 如果你在留学的国家使用的是英语作为主要交流语言,那么你可以直接搜索“dentist”或者“dental care”来寻找当地的牙医服务。如果你在使用其他语言的国家,可以尝试搜索当地对应的词汇。

3. 除了搜索引擎,你也可以咨询当地的留学生协会或者大使馆等机构,他们通常会提供相关的服务信息,包括英文服务支持。

4. 如果你身边有其他留学生朋友或者同学,在遇到牙科问题时也可以向他们寻求帮助。他们可能已经有过类似经历,并且能够给出宝贵建议。

5. 此外,在一些大型城市,很多牙医诊所也提供多语种服务,包括英文。你可以通过电话或者网站查找相关信息,并预约英文服务来解决牙科问题。

6. 最后,如果你需要进行复杂的牙科手术或者治疗,在选择医生前最好先进行咨询,确定医生是否能够提供英文服务,以免造成沟通障碍。

