
留学政策2024-01-06 05:29小编





1. 孤独感


2. 文化冲击


3. 语言障碍


4. 学业压力


5. 财务压力


6. 文化适应性差


7. 身体不适



1. Understand the Common Symptoms of Studying Abroad

As an international student, it is important to be aware of the common symptoms that may arise during your study abroad journey. These symptoms can range from physical to emotional and can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. In this section, we will discuss how to describe these symptoms in English.

2. Physical Symptoms

Studying abroad can be physically demanding, especially if you are adjusting to a new climate and lifestyle. Some common physical symptoms that you may experience include fatigue, headaches, stomach issues, and changes in appetite. To describe these symptoms in English, you can use phrases such as "I feel tired all the time," "I have been having frequent headaches," "I am experiencing stomach discomfort," or "My appetite has changed since I arrived."

3. Emotional Symptoms

Living in a new country can also bring about emotional challenges. You may feel homesick, anxious, or overwhelmed at times. It is important to recognize and address these emotions in order to maintain a healthy mental state while studying abroad. When describing emotional symptoms in English, you can say things like "I miss my family and friends back home," "I have been feeling anxious lately," or "I am feeling overwhelmed with all the changes."

4. Cultural Shock

One of the most common symptoms experienced by international students is cultural shock. This refers to the feeling of disorientation and discomfort when adapting to a new culture. It can manifest in different ways such as difficulty communicating with locals, feeling out of place, or struggling to adjust to new customs and traditions. To describe cultural shock in English, you can use phrases like "I am having a hard time adjusting to the local culture," "I feel like an outsider sometimes," or "It's been challenging for me to understand the customs here."

5. Academic Pressure

Studying abroad also means facing academic challenges that may be different from your home country. This can lead to additional stress and pressure, which can manifest in symptoms such as lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, or feeling overwhelmed with coursework. To describe academic pressure in English, you can say things like "I am struggling to stay motivated with my studies," "I find it hard to focus in class," or "The workload is overwhelming for me."

6. Seek Support

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms while studying abroad, it is important to seek support from your university's counseling services or reach out to friends and family back home. Remember that it is normal to go through these challenges and there is no shame in seeking help. Describing your symptoms accurately in English can also help you communicate your needs effectively.

In conclusion, studying abroad can bring about a variety of symptoms that may affect your physical and emotional well-being. It is important to be aware of these symptoms and know how to describe them in English in order to effectively communicate your needs and seek support if needed. Remember to take care of yourself during this exciting but challenging journey of studying abroad


1. Home-sickness(思乡病)

Home-sickness是指因离开家乡而产生的情感上的不适,是留学生活中常见的症状。当你开始想念家人、朋友和熟悉的环境时,就会出现这种情绪。在英文中,可以用homesick来形容这种感觉,例如:“I feel so homesick, I miss my family and friends back home.”

2. Culture shock(文化冲击)

Culture shock是指由于来到一个完全陌生的文化环境而产生的不适和困惑。当你发现自己无法适应当地的风俗习惯、语言和饮食等方面时,就会出现这种情况。在英文中,可以用culture shock来形容这种感觉,例如:“I experienced a culture shock when I first arrived in this country, everything was so different from what I was used to.”

3. Loneliness(孤独感)

Loneliness是指因缺乏社交关系而产生的孤独感。在留学生活中,由于身处异国他乡,没有家人和朋友陪伴,很容易产生这种情绪。在英文中,可以用lonely来形容这种感觉,例如:“I often feel lonely here, I miss my friends and family.”

4. Stress(压力)

Stress是指由于生活中的各种挑战和压力而产生的紧张和焦虑。在留学生活中,可能会面临学习压力、适应新环境的压力等。在英文中,可以用stress来形容这种感觉,例如:“I'm under a lot of stress lately, I have so many assignments and exams to prepare for.”

5. Homesickness(思家病)

Homesickness是指因离开家乡而产生的情感上的不适,与home-sickness类似但更强烈。它可能会导致身体上的不适和抑郁情绪。在英文中,可以用homesickness来形容这种感觉,例如:“I can't shake off this feeling of homesickness, I miss my family and home so much.”

6. FOMO(错过恐惧症)

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)是指因害怕错过任何重要事件或经历而产生的焦虑情绪。在留学生活中,由于与家人和朋友分隔两地,很容易产生这种情绪。在英文中,可以用FOMO来形容这种感觉,例如:“I have a serious case of FOMO, I don't want to miss out on anything happening back home.”

7. Burnout(精疲力竭)

Burnout是指由于长期承受高强度压力而导致身心疲惫和精神衰竭。在留学生活中,可能会面临学业和生活压力,长期紧张的状态会导致这种症状。在英文中,可以用burnout来形容这种感觉,例如:“I'm so burnt out from all the exams and assignments, I need a break.”

8. Anxiety(焦虑)

Anxiety是指由于担心未来或发生的事情而产生的不安和紧张情绪。在留学生活中,可能会面临诸如签证、住宿等问题而产生焦虑。在英文中,可以用anxiety来形容这种感觉,例如:“I'm feeling a lot of anxiety about my visa application, I hope everything goes smoothly.”

9. Struggle with language(语言障碍)

Struggle with language是指由于不熟悉当地语言而产生的沟通困难。在留学生活中,如果你不擅长当地语言,可能会遇到一些交流上的障碍。在英文中,可以用struggle with language来形容这种情况,例如:“I'm struggling with the local language, it's hard to communicate with others.”

10. Feeling lost(迷失感)

Feeling lost是指由于不知道自己要做什么或怎样适应新环境而产生的迷失感。在留学生活中,可能会面临许多新的挑战和选择,很容易产生这种情绪。在英文中,可以用feeling lost来形容这种感觉,例如:“I'm feeling lost in this new country, I don't know what I should do or where to go.”



1. 孤独感


2. 文化冲击


3. 压力与焦虑


4. 语言障碍



1. Communicate with your doctor

- I have been experiencing some symptoms lately. 我最近一直有些症状。

- Can you help me diagnose my condition? 你能帮我诊断一下我的情况吗?

- I would like to schedule an appointment for a check-up. 我想预约一次体检。

- How long will it take to get the test results? 检查结果需要多长时间出来?

- What medication do you recommend for my symptoms? 你建议我用什么药物治疗我的症状?

2. Describe your symptoms accurately

It is important to be able to accurately describe your symptoms in English when communicating with your doctor or seeking medical help. Here are some useful phrases and vocabulary to help you:

- I have been feeling (adjective) lately, such as (specific symptom). 我最近感觉(形容词),比如(具体症状)。

- My (body part) has been (verb+ing). 我的(身体部位)一直在(动词+ing)。

- I have been experiencing (adjective) pain in my (body part). 我的(身体部位)一直有(形容词)的疼痛感。

- My symptoms include (specific symptom), (specific symptom), and (specific symptom). 我的症状包括(具体症状)、(具体症状)和(具体症状)。

3. Take care of yourself

Besides seeking medical help, there are also some self-care practices that can help alleviate common symptoms.

- Get enough rest and sleep. 充足的休息和睡眠。

- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. 多喝水保持水分。

- Eat a balanced and nutritious diet. 均衡营养的饮食。

- Exercise regularly to stay physically and mentally healthy. 定期锻炼保持身心健康。

- Practice stress-reducing activities such as meditation or yoga. 练习减压活动,比如冥想或瑜伽。

4. Seek support from friends and family

Living abroad can be challenging, especially when facing health issues. It is important to have a support system that you can turn to for help and comfort.

- Can you accompany me to the doctor's appointment? 你能陪我去看医生吗?

- I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, can we talk about it? 我感觉有些不知所措,我们可以谈一下吗?

- Thank you for being there for me during this difficult time. 在这段困难时期,谢谢你一直在我身边。

5. Take advantage of resources provided by your school

Many universities offer resources and services for international students, including health services.

- Check if your university has a student health center where you can seek medical help. 查看一下你的大学是否有学生健康中心可以寻求医疗帮助。

- Attend workshops or seminars on how to manage stress or maintain a healthy lifestyle in a new environment. 参加关于如何应对压力或在新环境中保持健康生活方式的研讨会。

- Talk to your academic advisor if you are struggling with your studies due to health issues. 如果因为健康问题而影响学习,可以和你的学术顾问谈一下。

In conclusion, it is important to take care of your physical and mental health while studying abroad. By communicating effectively with your doctor, accurately describing your symptoms, practicing self-care, seeking support from friends and family, and utilizing resources provided by your university, you can better manage common symptoms and adapt to the challenges of studying abroad. Remember to prioritize your health and seek help when needed.

