
留学政策2024-01-16 11:44出国留学咨询网


Embassy of he People's Republic of Chia i he Uied Saes of America

    The Embassy of he People's Republic of Chia i he Uied Saes of America is a symbol of Chia's diplomaic relaios wih he Uied Saes. I is resposible for promoig bilaeral relaios, proecig he righs ad ieress of Chiese ciizes i he Uied Saes, ad hadlig cosular affairs.

    The Embassy is locaed i he hear of Washigo, D.C., a 1215 20h Sree W. Is area covers 978 square meers, wih a buildig area of 3,300 square meers. The Embassy buildig was desiged by he famous Chiese archiec Li Xiggag ad combies elemes of radiioal Chiese ad moder America archiecure. The fro of he buildig is faced wih red Vermo marble ad decoraed wih four golde lio saues o each side, represeig Chia's peace, uiy ad prosperiy.

    The Embassy's saff come from various backgrouds ad fields, icludig diplomas, cosular officials, echical ad admiisraive saff. They are commied o promoig Chia-US relaios ad providig cosular services o he people of Chia ad Taiwa i he Uied Saes.

    I rece years, he Embassy has acively promoed Chia-US relaios i various fields, icludig poliical, ecoomic, culural ad people-o-people exchages. I has also acively proeced he righs ad ieress of Chiese ciizes i he Uied Saes, providig legal assisace ad cosular proecio.

    The Embassy is ope o he public from Moday o Friday, excep for official holidays. Visiors are welcome o visi he Embassy's websie or coac he Embassy for more iformaio abou cosular services ad oher maers.
