
留学政策2024-02-20 14:50出国留学咨询网








last time,we started to talk about glaciers and how these masses of ice form) from crystallized snow,and someof you were amazed at how huge some of these glaciers are. Now,even though it may be difficult tounderstand how a huge mass of ice can move or flow, it’s another word for it, it’s really known that no secret that the glaciers flow,because of gravity. But how they flow,and the way they flow needs some explaining. Now,the first type of the glaciers flow is called:basal slip。basal slip or sliding as it’s often called,basically refers to the slipping or sliding of glacier across bedrock,actually across the thin layerof water, on top of the bedrock. So, this process shouldn’t be too hard to imagine. What happens is that the ice of the base of the glacier is under a greatdeal of pressure——the pressure coming from the weight of the overlaying ice. And you probably knowthat under pressure,the melting temperature of water, of the ice I mean, is reduced.so,ice at the base of the glacier melts,even though it’s below zero degree Celsius. And this results in thin layer of water between the glacier And ground。this layer of waterreduces friction is…is like a lubricant. And it allows the glacier to slide or slip over the bedrock. Ok,now the nexttype of movement we will talk about is called: deformation。you & rsquo;v already known that the ice is brittle,if you hit it with hammer it will shatter like glass. But ice is also plastic,it can change the shape without breaking. If you leave,for example,a bar of ice supported only at one end,they end,the unsupported end will deform under its own way due---kind of flatten out one into getstored it deformed it. Thinkdeformation as a very slow oozing. Depending on the stresses on theglacier,the ice crystal was in the re-organized. And during this re-organization the ice crystalsrealign in a way that allowsthem to slide pass each other. And so the glacier oozes downhill withoutany ice actually melting. Now,there are a couple of the factors that affect the amount ofdeformation that takes place or the speed of the glaciersmovement for example. deformation is morelikely to occur the thicker the ices,because of the gravity of the weight of the ice. Andtemperature also plays part here,in that cold ice does not move as easily as ice that is close tomelting point, in fact,it is not too different from&hellip . the way oil is,thicker at lower temperatures. So,if you had a glacier in a lightly warmer region,it will flow faster than the glacier in a coolerregion. Ok, um…Now, let&rsquo。touch briefly on extension and compression. You textbook includes these as type as a particulartype of glaciermovement, but you will see that these are …cause many textbooks that omitted as type of movement as included. And I might not include rightnow,if there one ’t in your textbooks. But, basically, the upper parts of glaciers have less pressure on them. So,they don-rsquo;they tend to be more brittle. And crevasses can form in this upper layer of theglacier. When the glacier comes intocontact with bedrock walls or is otherwise under some kinds ofstress, but can’t deform quickly enough.so,the ice would expand or constrict,and that can cause big fissures big cracks to form in the surfaceof the layer of ice,and that brittle surface ice moving is sometimes considered a type of glaciermovement depending on which source you can . thaw to. Now, as you probably know,glaciers generally move really slowly. But sometimes,they experience surges,and during these surges, in some places,they can move its speeds as high as 7000 meters per year. Now,a speeds like that are pretty unusual,100 of times faster than the regular movement of glaciers,but you can actually see glacier moveduring these surges, though it is rare。



托福听力材料一、diet problems(饮食问题)




在美国,学生一般会去4个地方。其中一个是dinning hall,离学生的dormitory近,它是学校里最大最多的食堂。一般是自助餐,参加meal plan的学生都在这里吃饭。价格比较便宜。










因此,很多学生都有购买两本书的习惯,可以以5 ~ 6折的价格买到80%的新教材。




托福听力材料三、declare class or drop the course(选课退会问题)


例如,“从入门课程到高级课程”(Intro course/advanced course),“从入门课程到高级课程”(Intro course/advanced)course)、“从入门课程到高级课程”(Intro course/advanced course)等。如何选择受欢迎的课程呢?另外,也有因为选的课上不了而想退课的情况,但是老师会建议学生把课结束(sign up for/ register for/ enroll in/ enlist in/)drop, quit)。


托福听力材料四、Campus facilities(用于校园设施)




这里举两个例子。例如,在托福考试中,学生抱怨体育馆的门卡不能上游泳课,需要额外收费,女学生生气地说“that&rsquo”。s not fair。于是这个守门大叔冷静地回答:Well, I think if you can think about it.you ’ll see that it’被压倒的女生预约了游泳考试。

