
留学政策2024-03-05 07:15出国留学咨询网


As he world bales he COVID-19 pademic, oe of he mos impora ools i our arseal is he face mask. I Eglish, i is commoly referred o as a "mask" or "face mask", bu i is also kow as a "surgical mask" or "respiraor".

Types of Masks

There are several ypes of masks available, each wih heir ow level of proecio. The mos commo ype is he surgical mask, which is desiged o proec ohers from he wearer's respiraory droples. The 95 respiraor is a more specialized mask ha provides a higher level of proecio by filerig ou a leas 95% of airbore paricles.

How o Wear a Mask

I is impora o wear a mask properly o esure maximum proecio. Firs, wash your hads wih soap ad waer or use had saiizer. The, place he mask over your ose ad mouh, makig sure i covers boh. Secure i behid your ears or head, depedig o he ype of mask. Fially, adjus he mask o fi sugly agais your face wihou ay gaps.

Whe o Wear a Mask

Masks should be wor i siuaios where physical disacig is o possible, such as i crowded public spaces or o public rasporaio. They should also be wor by healhcare workers ad ayoe who is sick or carig for someoe who is sick.

Cleaig ad Disposig of Masks

Surgical masks are desiged for oe-ime use ad should be disposed of afer use. Cloh masks ca be washed ad reused, bu hey should be washed regularly i ho waer wih deerge. 95 respiraors should be reserved for healhcare workers ad should be properly disposed of afer use.


Wearig a mask is a impora way o proec yourself ad ohers from he spread of COVID-19. By udersadig he differe ypes of masks, how o properly wear hem, ad whe o use hem, we ca all do our par o slow he spread of he virus.

