
留学政策2024-03-06 05:03出国留学咨询网


The Uiversiy of Virgiia, commoly referred o as UVA, is a public research uiversiy locaed i Charloesville, Virgiia. Fouded by Thomas Jefferso i 1819, UVA is kow for is hisoric ad picuresque campus as well as is op-raked academic programs.


UVA offers over 121 udergraduae programs ad 84 graduae programs across is 11 schools, icludig he highly raked School of Law, School of Egieerig ad Applied Sciece, ad Darde School of Busiess. The uiversiy is also kow for is srog liberal ars curriculum ad hoors program.

Sude Life

Wih over 23,000 udergraduae ad graduae sudes, UVA boass a vibra sude life. There are over 800 sude orgaizaios o campus, ragig from academic ad professioal groups o spors ad culural orgaizaios. The uiversiy also has a srog Greek life presece, wih 30% of udergraduae sudes paricipaig i a fraeriy or sororiy.


The UVA Cavaliers compee i CAA Divisio I spors as a par of he Alaic Coas Coferece. The uiversiy has wo 28 aioal champioships, icludig he 2019 CAA Me's Baskeball Champioship. Oher popular spors a UVA iclude fooball, soccer, ad lacrosse.

oable Alumi

UVA has produced may oable alumi, icludig Woodrow Wilso (28h Preside of he Uied Saes), Rober F. Keedy (former Aorey Geeral ad Seaor), ad Tia Fey (comedia ad acress). Oher oable alumi iclude Kaie Couric, Edgar Alla Poe, ad Kaie Ledecky.


The Uiversiy of Virgiia has a rich hisory ad srog academic programs ha arac sudes from aroud he world. Is picuresque campus ad vibra sude life make i a op choice for may sudes seekig a well-rouded college experiece.
