a-concerned-look - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-06 14:43:13小编

a-concerned-look - Bing 词典

a-concerned-look [ə kənˈsɜːnd lʊk]




1. She gave me a concerned look when she saw the bruises on my arm. (当她看到我胳膊上的伤痕时,她露出了一副关切的表情。)

2. He had a concerned look on his face as he waited for the test results. (当他等待着测试结果时,脸上带着一丝关切。)

3. The teacher looked at the students with a concerned look, knowing that they were struggling with their studies. (老师用一种关切的眼神看着学生们,知道他们在学习上有困难。)

4. My mom always has a concerned look on her face when I tell her about my problems. (每当我向妈妈诉说我的问题时,她总是脸上带着一副关切的表情。)

5. The doctor's concerned look made me worry even more about my health condition. (医生关切的表情让我更担心我的健康状况。)


1. worried expression:担忧的表情,指人面带担忧的神情。

2. anxious look:焦虑的表情,指人面带焦虑的神情。

3. troubled countenance:不安的表情,指人脸上带有不安的神色。

4. troubled look:困扰的表情,指人脸上带有困扰的神色。

5. troubled expression:苦恼的表情,指人脸上带有苦恼的神色。


a-concerned-look是一个形容词短语,用来描述一个人面对某种情况时所展现出来的担忧或关切的表情。它可以用来形容任何年龄、性别和背景的人,在各种场合下都能使用。除了用于正式场合外,也可以用于日常口语中。在写作时,可以通过一些动词搭配来增强其表现力,如give a concerned look, have a concerned look, wear a concerned look等。此外,在与同义词进行比较时,需要注意它们之间微妙的差别,以便更准确地选择合适的词语来描述人物所展现出来的表情。
