
英语词汇2024-03-06 17:49:16小编


[əˈbɪgəl ˈdʒɑnsən]


1. 阿比盖尔·约翰逊(Abigail Johnson)是一位美国企业家,目前担任美国金融服务公司Fidelity Investments的总裁兼首席执行官。她是该公司创始人父亲爱德华·约翰逊的女儿,也是该公司第二代。

Abigail Johnson is an American businesswoman who currently serves as the President and CEO of Fidelity Investments, a US financial services company. She is the daughter of the company's founder, Edward C. Johnson III, and is a second-generation leader of the company.

2. 阿比盖尔·约翰逊也被认为是美国最富有的女性之一,根据《福布斯》杂志2019年发布的亿万富翁榜单,她的个人财富估计达到150亿美元。

Abigail Johnson is also considered one of the wealthiest women in America, with an estimated personal fortune of $15 billion according to Forbes' 2019 Billionaires List.

3. 阿比盖尔·约翰逊在哈佛大学毕业后加入了Fidelity Investments,并在多个部门担任过重要职位。她于2014年接替父亲成为公司总裁,并在2016年成为首席执行官。

After graduating from Harvard University, Abigail Johnson joined Fidelity Investments and has held various important positions in the company. She took over as President in 2014 and became CEO in 2016, succeeding her father.

4. 阿比盖尔·约翰逊被认为是一位谨慎而低调的,她致力于推动公司的创新和发展,并积极参与慈善事业。

Abigail Johnson is known as a cautious and low-key leader, who is dedicated to driving innovation and growth within the company, as well as actively participating in philanthropy.

5. 同义词及用法:Abby Johnson、Abigail Pierrepont Johnson、阿比盖尔·皮埃尔庞特·约翰逊(中文名)

Synonyms and usage: Abby Johnson, Abigail Pierrepont Johnson, 阿比盖尔·皮埃尔庞特·约翰逊 (Chinese name)


阿比盖尔·约翰逊是一位成功的企业家和,她在Fidelity Investments的领导下推动公司的发展,并且也非常重视社会责任和慈善事业。她的成功经历可以鼓舞更多女性在商业领域取得成就。同时,她也是一个谦虚低调的领导者,为公司带来稳定和持续的发展。
