
英语词汇2024-03-06 19:40:38小编




1. used to emphasize that something is completely true or correct, and cannot be doubted or questioned

1. 用来强调某事是完全正确的或者无法置疑的

- You're absolutely right.

- 你说得完全正确。

- I absolutely refuse to pay.

- 我绝对不会付钱。

2. used to emphasize that a feeling or quality is very strong or complete

2. 用来强调某种感情或者品质非常强烈或者完整

- I am absolutely exhausted after running the marathon.

- 跑完马拉松后,我精疲力尽。

- This cake is absolutely delicious!

- 这个蛋糕真是太好吃了!

3. used to agree strongly with someone, or to show that you are listening carefully to what they are saying

3. 用来强烈同意某人的观点,或者表明你正在认真听他们说什么

- Absolutely, we should take action immediately.

- 完全正确,我们应该立即采取行动。

4. completely and without any doubt

4. 完全地,毫无疑问地

5. in an absolute way; completely or utterly:

5. 完全地;彻底地:

6. without any doubt:

6. 毫无疑问:

7. in every way:

7. 在各个方面:

8. completely; totally:

8. 完全地;彻底地:

Synonyms: completely, totally, entirely, utterly, wholly, fully, thoroughly


Editor's Summary:


The word "absolutely" is an adverb used to emphasize the truth or correctness of something. It can also be used to show strong feelings or agreement. This word can be used in many different ways and has a variety of synonyms that convey a similar meaning. When using this word, it is important to remember its strong emphasis and use it appropriately in context.
