英语词汇2024-03-06 22:25:59小编


ACA是一个缩写,美国会计师协会(American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)。它的读音为[ˌeɪsiːˈeɪ]。

用法:ACA通常用作美国会计师协会的简称,也可以指代认证会计师(Certified Public Accountant)。


1. ACA is an organization that represents the interests of certified public accountants in the United States. (ACA是一个美国认证会计师利益的组织。)

2. The ACA has strict standards for its members to ensure the integrity of the accounting profession. (ACA对其成员有严格的标准,以保障会计职业的诚信。)

3. As a CPA, I am proud to be a member of the ACA. (作为一名认证会计师,我很自豪能成为ACA的成员。)

4. The ACA offers various resources and support for its members to enhance their professional development. (ACA为其成员提供各种资源和支持,以促进其职业发展。)

5. The annual conference organized by the ACA is a great opportunity for CPAs to network and learn from each other. (由ACA组织的年度大会是认证会计师之间交流和学习的绝佳机会。)

同义词及用法:除了ACA外,还有其他与美国会计师协会相关的缩写词,如AICPA、AI-CPA等。此外,在不同和地区,也可能有类似的组织和协会,如英国的ICAEW(Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)、加拿大的CPA Canada(Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada)等。

