Achar - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-07 09:21:05小编

Achar - Bing 词典

Achar - Bing Dictionary

一:Achar - Bing 词典的意思

Achar - Bing 词典是一种在线的网络词典,提供多语种的单词释义和翻译功能。它可以帮助用户快速查询单词的含义、用法和例句,同时也可以进行跨语言的翻译,满足用户在学习、工作和生活中的多样化需求。


Achar发音为 /ˈɑːtʃɑːr/,Bing发音为 /bɪŋ/。


1. 查询单词释义:用户可以在搜索框中输入要查询的单词,点击“搜索”按钮或按下回车键即可获得该单词的含义、读音、用法和例句等信息。

2. 跨语言翻译:用户可以选择源语言和目标语言,在输入框中输入要翻译的内容,点击“翻译”按钮即可获得对应的翻译结果。

3. 浏览历史记录:用户在使用过程中查询过的单词和翻译记录都会被保存在历史记录中,方便用户随时查阅。


1. The Achar - Bing Dictionary is a useful tool for language learners.

这个Achar - Bing词典对于语言学习者来说是一个很有用的工具。

2. She used Achar - Bing Dictionary to translate the article from English to Spanish.

她用Achar - Bing词典将这篇文章从英语翻译成了西班牙语。

3. The pronunciation of the word can be found in Achar - Bing Dictionary.

这个单词的发音可以在Achar - Bing词典中找到。

4. Achar is a popular Indian condiment made from pickled fruits and vegetables.


5. The new feature of cross-language translation on Achar - Bing Dictionary has greatly improved its usability.

Achar - Bing词典新增的跨语言翻译功能大大提高了其可用性。


1. Dictionary: a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language.

同义词:lexicon, glossary, vocabulary

用法:The dictionary is an essential tool for language learners.

2. Translator: a person who translates written messages from one language to another.

同义词:interpreter, linguist, transcriber

用法:She works as a translator for an international organization.

3. Search: to try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.

同义词:seek, hunt, explore

用法:He searched for his lost keys everywhere in the house.

4. Record: a written account of something that has happened, especially one kept by an official body or someone in an official position.

同义词:document, register, log

用法:The police officer made a record of the accident.

5. Feature: a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.

同义词:characteristic, trait, quality

用法:The new feature of the app makes it easier to use.


Achar - Bing 词典是一款功能强大的在线网络词典,它不仅提供多语种的单词释义和翻译功能,还具备浏览历史记录和跨语言翻译等实用特性。它可以帮助用户快速查询单词的含义、用法和例句,满足用户在学习、工作和生活中的多样化需求。使用Achar - Bing 词典可以提高用户的语言能力和跨文化交流能力,是一款值得推荐的工具。
