Adam and Eve
1.亚当和夏娃是、犹太教和教的共同起源。 - Adam and Eve are the common origin of Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
2.根据圣经,上帝用泥土创造了亚当,然后从他的肋骨中取出了一根骨头来创造了夏娃。 - According to the Bible, God created Adam from clay, and then took a rib bone from him to create Eve.
3.亚当和夏娃被驱逐出伊甸园,因为他们违背了上帝的命令。 - Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they disobeyed God's commandment.
4.有时候,人们会把男女之间的关系比作亚当和夏娃的关系。- Sometimes, people compare the relationship between men and women to that of Adam and Eve.
5.在这个故事中,亚当和夏娃着人类最初的纯洁状态。- In this story, Adam and Eve represent the initial pure state of humanity.
first man and woman, biblical figures
亚当和夏娃是、犹太教和教的共同起源,着人类最初的纯洁状态。根据圣经,他们被上帝用泥土和骨头创造,并被驱逐出伊甸园。这个故事也经常被用来比喻男女关系。其他同义词包括first man and woman和biblical figures。