
英语词汇2024-03-07 20:36:46小编



1. n. 适应,适用性;改编,改写

2. vt. 使适应;改编,改写

3. adj. 适应的;可调整的

1. Adapta是一个英文单词,意思是“适应”,是一个名词。它也可以作为动词使用,意思是“使适应”、“改编”。

Adapta is an English word meaning "adaptation", which is a noun. It can also be used as a verb, meaning "to adapt" or "to modify".

2. Adapta的发音为[ə'dæptə],重音在第二个音节。其中的元音字母"a"发短元音音标[ə],辅音字母"d"发[d],元音字母"e"发[ɛ],辅音字母"p"发[p],元音字母"a"发[a],辅音字母"t"发[t],辅音字母"a"发[ə]。

The pronunciation of Adapta is [ə'dæptə], with the stress on the second syllable. The vowel letter "a" is pronounced as a short vowel [ə], the consonant letter "d" is pronounced as [d], the vowel letter "e" is pronounced as [ɛ], the consonant letter "p" is pronounced as [p], the vowel letter "a" is pronounced as [a], the consonant letter "t" is pronounced as [t], and the last vowel letter "a"is pronounced as [ə].

3. Adapta作为名词,可以指某个事物的适用性或适应性。作为动词,它可以指将某物改编成适合特定用途。

As a noun, Adapta can refer to the applicability or adaptability of something. As a verb, it can mean to modify something to make it suitable for a specific purpose.

4. 例句:

1) The Adapta program is designed for people with different learning styles.


2) We need to adapt our marketing strategy to the changing market conditions.


3) The Adapta chair is designed to fit the body's natural curves.


4) She adapted the novel into a screenplay for the movie.


5) We need to adapt ourselves to the new working environment.


5. 同义词及用法:

1) Adjust:vt. 调整,调节;vi. 适应;n. 调整


例句:I need to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner. (我需要调整空调的温度。)

2) Modify:vt. 修改,更改;vi. 调节


例句:We need to modify our plan in order to meet the new requirements. (我们需要修改计划以满足新的要求。)

3) Accommodate:vt. 容纳,适应;vi. 顺应


例句:The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. (这家酒店最多能容纳500位客人。)

4) Conform:vi. 符合,遵从;vt. 使一致


例句:The company needs to conform to the industry standards in order to stay competitive. (公司需要符合行业标准才能保持竞争力。)

5) Revise:vt. 修改,修订;vi. 修订


例句:I need to revise my essay before submitting it. (我需要在提交之前修改我的文章。)

6. 编辑总结:

