- Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-08 21:29:30小编 - Bing 词典



1. - Bing 词典是一个在线的多语种词典工具,提供英语、中文、日语等多种语言的单词翻译、释义及用法查询服务。 - Bing Dictionary is an online multilingual dictionary tool that provides translation, definition, and usage search services for English, Chinese, Japanese, and other languages.

2. 这个词典可以帮助用户快速准确地查询单词的意思和用法,是学习和使用外语的必备工具。

This dictionary can help users quickly and accurately search for the meaning and usage of words, making it an essential tool for learning and using foreign languages.

3. - Bing 词典还提供发音、同义词、反义词、例句等功能,让用户更全面地了解单词的含义和用法。 - Bing Dictionary also provides pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, example sentences and other functions to help users have a more comprehensive understanding of the meaning and usage of words.

4. 用户可以通过输入单词或者拼写进行查询,也可以通过语音输入功能进行查询,操作简便方便。

Users can search by entering a word or spelling, or by using the voice input function, making it easy to use.

5. - Bing 词典还提供了海量的单词和短语的释义及例句,让用户在学习外语的过程中能够更加轻松地掌握单词的用法。 - Bing Dictionary also provides a large number of definitions and example sentences for words and phrases, making it easier for users to grasp the usage of words while learning a foreign language.


1. dictionary:名词,指提供单词释义和用法的工具,通常以书本或者在线形式存在。

Dictionary: noun, refers to a tool that provides word definitions and usage, usually in the form of books or online.

2. translator:名词,指能够翻译不同语言的人或者工具。

Translator: noun, refers to a person or tool that can translate different languages.

3. lexicon:名词,指特定语言中所有单词的。

Lexicon: noun, refers to the collection of all words in a specific language.

4. glossary:名词,指某一特定领域或者学科中使用的术语。

Glossary: noun, refers to a collection of terms used in a specific field or subject.

5. vocabulary:名词,指一个人或者一种语言所掌握的全部单词。

Vocabulary: noun, refers to all the words that a person or language has mastered.

编辑总结: - Bing 词典是一个功能强大、便捷实用的多语种在线翻译工具。它提供了丰富的单词释义、发音、例句等功能,让用户能够更全面地了解单词的含义和用法。同时,它也为用户提供了方便的查询方式,包括输入单词、拼写或者语音输入。在学习外语的过程中, - Bing 词典是一个不可或缺的助手,能够帮助用户更轻松地掌握单词的用法,提升语言学习效率。
