Against-the-Dark - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-09 16:27:17小编

Against-the-Dark - Bing 词典


怎么读(音标):/əˈɡɛnst ðə dɑrk/



1. The villagers showed great courage and determination in their fight against the dark forces. 村民们在与黑暗势力的斗争中表现出了巨大的勇气和决心。

2. The young girl stood up against the dark shadows in her room with a flashlight in her hand. 这个小女孩手里拿着手电筒,站在房间里与黑暗的阴影做斗争。

3. The government has launched a campaign against the dark side of the internet, aiming to protect children from online predators. 发起了一场打击网络黑暗面的运动,旨在保护儿童免受网络捕食者的伤害。

4. We must unite and stand against the dark forces that threaten our peaceful existence. 我们必须团结一致,抵御那些威胁我们和平存在的黑暗势力。

5. The protagonist in the novel is a symbol of hope and determination against the dark forces of oppression. 小说中的主人公是希望和决心的象征,与压迫的黑暗势力作斗争。


1. Resist - 作为动词,表示或抵抗。例句:The workers are determined to resist any attempts to cut their wages. 工人们决心任何削减工资的企图。

2. Defy - 作为动词,表示公然违抗或挑战。例句:The brave warrior defied the king's orders and fought for what he believed was right. 勇敢的战士违抗国王的命令,为他认为正确的事业而战。

3. Oppose - 作为动词,表示反对或阻挠。例句:The students organized a protest to oppose the new school policy. 学生们组织了一次活动,反对新的学校。

4. Rebel - 作为动词,表示反叛或造反。例句:The citizens rebelled against the tyrannical government and demanded change. 公民们造反了,要求改革。

5. Fight - 作为动词,表示与某物或某人进行搏斗或战斗。例句:The soldiers fought bravely against the enemy in the dark night. 士们在黑夜中勇敢地与敌人战斗。

