
英语词汇2024-03-10 06:21:08小编




1. showing a readiness to attack or go into action; aggressively energetic.

2. marked by or resulting from unprovoked, offensively intrusive, or offensive aggressive behavior.

1. 他的表现非常agressif,总是想要在比赛中取得胜利。

His performance is very agressif, always wanting to win in the game.

2. 我们需要一个agressif的计划来解决这个问题。

We need an agressif plan to solve this problem.

3. 她的agressif性格让她在工作中变得非常成功。

Her agressif personality has made her very successful in her work.

4. 如果你想成为一个成功的人,你就需要有一点agressif。

If you want to be a successful person, you need to have a bit of agressif spirit.

5. 他对待工作总是充满了agressif,这让他在公司内部得到了很多认可。

He always approaches his work with an agressif attitude, which has earned him a lot of recognition within the company.


1. aggressive

2. assertive

3. forceful

4. vigorous

5. dynamic


The word "agressif" is often used to describe someone who is bold and assertive in their actions or behavior, and may also have a connotation of being confrontational or ile in certain situations. It can also be used to describe something that is characterized by forceful or energetic action, such as an agressif marketing strategy or an agressif sports team.

Editor's Summary:

In conclusion, "agressif" is an adjective that describes someone or something as being bold, assertive, and energetic. It can be used in various contexts to convey a sense of aggressiveness or forcefulness. It is important to note that while this word may have a positive connotation in certain situations, it can also have negative implications if used inappropriately. As with any word, it is important to consider the context and tone in which it is used.
