
英语词汇2024-03-10 08:03:25小编




1. (表示惊讶或疑问的词语)啊


1. Ah, I see what you mean.


2. Ah, I can't believe it!


3. Ah, that explains a lot.


4. Ah, now I understand.


5. Ah, I get it now.



1. Oh

2. Wow

3. Huh

4. Really?

5. Interesting

As a dictionary editor and translator, my job is to provide accurate and comprehensive definitions for words and phrases in the English language. Today, I will be focusing on the word "ah".

Ah is an interjection used to express surprise, disbelief, or understanding in response to something that has been said or done.

It is pronounced as /ɑː/ and can also be written as "aah" or "aahh". The length of the vowel sound may vary depending on the speaker's emphasis.

In terms of usage, "ah" is often used in informal conversations or in written dialogue to convey emotion or tone.

Now let's take a look at some examples of how "ah" can be used in sentences:

1) When someone tells you a shocking news:

Person A: "Did you hear that John got promoted?"

Person B: "Ah, that's great news!"

2) When something unexpected happens:

Person A: *accidentally spills drink*

Person B: "Ah! Be careful!"

3) When someone explains something to you:

Person A: "The reason why I couldn't make it to the party was because I got stuck in traffic."

Person B: "Ah, that makes sense now."

4) When someone finally understands something:

Person A: "I've been trying to explain this concept to you for hours."

Person B: "Ah, I get it now."

5) When someone is in awe or admiration:

Person A: "Look at the beautiful sunset."

Person B: "Ah, it's breathtaking."

Some synonyms for "ah" include "oh", "wow", "huh", and "really?". These words can also be used in similar contexts to express surprise or understanding.

In conclusion, "ah" is a versatile interjection that can convey a range of emotions and reactions. Its usage is informal and often depends on the tone and context of the conversation. As a dictionary editor and translator, it is important to accurately define and provide examples of how words like "ah" are used in everyday language.
