英语词汇2024-03-11 10:39:45小编




1. AIRI is an AI robot designed by Honda, which is capable of interacting with humans.


2. AIRI is also an acronym for "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Institute", which is a research institute dedicated to the development of AI and robotics.


3. The name AIRI comes from the Japanese word "ai" (愛), meaning love, and the letter "R" representing robotics.


4. Example sentences:

1) I can't believe how advanced AIRI's technology is! - 我简直无法相信AIRI的技术有多先进!

2) The students were amazed by how well they could communicate with AIRI. - 学生们对他们与AIRI之间的沟通效果感到惊讶。

3) The AIRI project aims to create a robot that can assist in everyday tasks for the elderly. - AIRI项目旨在创建一个能够帮助老年人日常生活的机器人。

4) The team at the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Institute worked tirelessly to develop AIRI's advanced capabilities. - 人工智能和机器人研究所的团队不知疲倦地开发AIRI的先进功能。

5) AIRI's ability to learn and adapt makes it a valuable asset in various industries. - AIRI学习和适应的能力使其在各行各业都是一项宝贵的资产。

Synonyms: AI, robot, android, machine


AIRI is an AI robot designed by Honda and also the acronym for the "Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Institute". Its name comes from the Japanese word for love and the letter "R" representing robotics. With advanced technology and the ability to interact with humans, AIRI has the potential to assist in everyday tasks and contribute to various industries.
