airport-building - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-11 14:40:40小编

airport-building - Bing 词典

一:airport-building - Bing 词典的意思:

airport-building 指的是机场建筑物,包括航站楼、跑道、停机坪等用于接收和处理飞机的设施。它是航空运输中不可或缺的重要组成部分。


/ˈeəpɔːt ˈbɪldɪŋ/


airport-building 是一个名词,可数。它可以用来描述单个机场的建筑物,也可以指代整个机场的所有建筑物。


1. The airport-building is designed with modern and sustainable features to reduce its environmental impact. (这座机场建筑物采用现代和可持续的特色设计,以减少对环境的影响。)

2. The airport-building houses a variety of facilities, such as duty-free shops, restaurants, and lounges. (这座机场建筑物拥有各种设施,如免税店、餐厅和休息室。)

3. Due to the rapid growth of air travel, many countries are investing in new airport-buildings to meet the increasing demand. (由于航空旅行的快速增长,许多正在投资新的机场建筑物来满足日益增长的需求。)

4. The airport-building was damaged by a severe storm, causing flight delays and cancellations. (这座机场建筑物遭受严重风暴的破坏,导致航班延误和取消。)

5. The airport-building is equipped with advanced technology, such as automated check-in kiosks and facial recognition for security checks. (这座机场建筑物配备了先进的技术,如自助办理登机手续的亭子和人脸识别用于安全检查。)


1. Airport terminal - 机场航站楼

2. Airport facility - 机场设施

3. Airfield structure - 飞机跑道结构

4. Aviation infrastructure - 航空基础设施

5. Aerial transportation building - 航空运输建筑物


airport-building 是指用于接收和处理飞机的设施,它是航空运输中不可或缺的重要组成部分。它可以用来描述单个机场的建筑物,也可以指代整个机场的所有建筑物。同义词包括airport terminal、airport facility等。随着航空旅行需求的增加,许多都在投资新的机场建筑物来满足需求,并且这些建筑物也在不断地引入先进技术来提高效率和安全性。
