
英语词汇2024-03-12 18:18:48小编


[ə'kɒŋ 'tʊlku]


1. Akong-tulku is a title given to a reincarnated lama in Tibetan Buddhism, which means "divine incarnation" or "reincarnation of an enlightened master". It is a combination of two Tibetan words, "akong" meaning "enlightened" and "tulku" meaning "reincarnation".

1. 阿空-图尔库是藏传中被赋予的转世喇嘛称号,意为“神圣化身”或“开悟大师的转世”。它由两个藏语词组成,“阿空”意为“开悟的”,“图尔库”意为“转世”。

2. Pronunciation: [ə'kɒŋ 'tʊlku]

2. 发音:[ə'kɒŋ 'tʊlku]

3. Usage:

3. 用法:

Akong-tulku is used as a title for a high-ranking lama who is believed to be the reincarnation of an enlightened master. It is a term of respect and reverence in Tibetan Buddhism.


4. Examples:

4. 例句:

1) The current Akong-tulku has been recognized as the reincarnation of the previous Akong-tulku by the Dalai Lama.

1) 当前的阿空-图尔库被喇嘛认定为前任阿空-图尔库的转世。

2) The Akong-tulku is responsible for leading the spiritual practices and teachings in the monastery.

2) 阿空-图尔库负责在寺院中带领灵修和教导。

3) The Akong-tulku is highly revered by the local community for his wisdom and compassion.

3) 当地社区对阿空-图尔库的智慧和慈悲心充满敬意。

4) As a young boy, he showed signs of being the reincarnation of an enlightened master and was recognized as the next Akong-tulku.

4) 作为一个年轻男孩,他显示出成为开悟大师转世的迹象,并被认定为下一任阿空-图尔库。

5) The Akong-tulku is considered to be a living embodiment of compassion and wisdom in Tibetan Buddhism.

5) 在藏传中,阿空-图尔库被视为慈悲和智慧的活生生体现。

5. Synonyms:

5. 同义词:

Other titles used for high-ranking lamas in Tibetan Buddhism include "tulku", "rinpoche", "lama", and "guru". These titles are also used to refer to respected teachers or masters in other Buddhist traditions.


6. Editor's Summary:

6. 编辑总结:

Akong-tulku is a significant title in Tibetan Buddhism, given to a reincarnated lama who is believed to be the embodiment of an enlightened master. It is a term of respect and reverence, and is highly revered by the local community. Other titles used for high-ranking lamas in Tibetan Buddhism include "tulku", "rinpoche", "lama", and "guru".
