noun. a person who is skilled at using computers or the internet
1. 人工智能:人工智能(AI)是一种模拟人类思维和行为的科学。它是一种计算机,它可以通过学习、推理和自我修正来执行任务。
Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the science of simulating human thinking and behavior. It is a computer system that can perform tasks by learning, reasoning, and self-correction.
2. 网络词典:网络词典是一种在线资源,提供单词的释义、发音、用法等信息。它可以帮助用户更快地查找单词,并提供多语言翻译功能。
Online dictionary: An online dictionary is an online resource that provides information on word definitions, pronunciations, and usage. It can help users quickly look up words and also offers multi-language translation capabilities.
3. 电脑高手:电脑高手指的是那些对电脑和网络操作非常熟练的人。他们通常具有出色的技术能力和解决问题的能力。
Computer whiz: A computer whiz refers to someone who is highly skilled in operating computers and the internet. They usually possess excellent technical abilities and problem-solving skills.
4. 数字专家:数字专家是指那些精通数字和计算机技术的人。他们可以利用数字工具来处理数据,并从中获取有价值的信息。
Digital expert: A digital expert is someone who is proficient in numbers and computer technology. They can use digital tools to process data and extract valuable information from it.
5. 智能机器人:智能机器人是一种具有人类智能的机器。它们可以执行复杂的任务,并且可以通过学习和自我调整来提高工作效率。
Intelligent robot: An intelligent robot is a machine with human-like intelligence. They can perform complex tasks and improve work efficiency through learning and self-adjustment.
1. 计算机专家(computer expert)
2. 技术大牛(tech guru)
3. 程序员(programmer)
4. 数据分析师(data analyst)
5. 电脑狂人(computer geek)