Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-13 11:35:38小编

Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典


怎么读:Alena-Seredova(发音:ah-LEE-nah seh-reh-DOH-vah)

用法:Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典可以通过网页或者应用程序访问,并且提供多种语言的界面。用户可以通过输入关键词或者选择语言来查找单词和短语的释义。此外,它还提供了发音、同义词、例句等功能,使用户能够更加全面地了解所需单词。


1. She used Alena-Seredova - Bing dictionary to look up the meaning of the word.

她使用Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典来查找这个单词的含义。

2. The app version of Alena-Seredova - Bing dictionary is very convenient for language learners.

Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典的应用程序版本对于语言学习者来说非常方便。

3. He couldn't find the word in his paper dictionary, so he turned to Alena-Seredova for help.


4. The pronunciation feature of Alena-Seredova - Bing dictionary helped her to improve her speaking skills.

Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典的发音功能帮助她提高了口语能力。

5. Alena-Seredova - Bing dictionary offers synonyms for each word, making it easier for users to understand the meaning.

Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典为每个单词提供同义词,使用户更容易理解其含义。


1. Dictionary - a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language, usually in alphabetical order, and gives their meaning.

例句:I always carry a pocket dictionary with me when I travel to foreign countries.


2. Thesaurus - a book or electronic resource that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms).

例句:She used a thesaurus to find a more suitable word for her essay.


3. Translator - a person or machine that translates from one language into another, especially as a profession.

例句:She works as a translator for an international organization.


4. Interpreter - a person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally.

例句:The interpreter helped us communicate with the locals during our trip to China.


5. Lexicon - the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.

例句:The medical student had to memorize a large lexicon of medical terms.


编辑总结:Alena-Seredova - Bing 词典是一款功能强大的在线词典,提供多种语言的单词和短语释义,并且具有发音、同义词、例句等功能。它可以帮助用户快速准确地查找所需的词汇信息,是语言学习者和专业人士不可或缺的工具。
