Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-13 14:19:08小编

Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典

Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典是一款由微软公司开发的在线词典,提供英语单词和短语的释义、例句、同义词及用法等信息。它为用户提供了方便快捷的查询服务,帮助用户更好地理解和使用英语语言。


Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典 [ˈælɛks-trɪbɛk bɪŋ ˈdɪkʃənri]


Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典可以通过输入单词或短语来查询相关信息。用户可以在搜索框中输入想要查询的单词或短语,点击“搜索”按钮即可获得相关结果。除了提供基本的释义外,还可以通过点击不同的标签来查看例句、同义词及用法等信息。同时,该词典还提供了发音功能,用户可以通过点击发音按钮来听取单词或短语的真人发音。


1. He always carries a pocket-sized Alex-Trebek - Bing dictionary with him to help him with his English studies.

他总是随身携带着一个口袋大小的Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典,在学习英语时帮助他查询单词。

2. The Alex-Trebek - Bing dictionary is a reliable source for students to improve their vocabulary and language skills.

Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典是学生提高词汇量和语言技能的可靠来源。

3. The Alex-Trebek - Bing dictionary is constantly updated with new words and phrases, making it a valuable tool for language learners.

Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典不断更新新的单词和短语,使其成为语言学习者宝贵的工具。

4. The user-friendly interface of the Alex-Trebek - Bing dictionary makes it easy for non-native speakers to understand and use.

Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典用户界面友好,易于非母语使用者理解和使用。

5. With its comprehensive database, the Alex-Trebek - Bing dictionary is a must-have tool for anyone learning English as a second language.

凭借其全面的数据库,Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典是任何学习英语作为第二语言的人必备工具。


1. Lexicon (n.) – a dictionary or collection of words and phrases of a particular language

Synonyms: vocabulary, glossary

2. Thesaurus (n.) – a reference work that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts

Synonyms: synonym finder, wordbook

3. Dictionary (n.) – a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order and gives their meaning

Synonyms: lexicon, wordbook


Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典是一款功能强大、方便实用的在线英语词典。它为用户提供了详细的释义、例句、同义词及用法等信息,帮助用户更好地学习和使用英语语言。同时,它还具有用户界面友好、发音功能等特点,使其成为非母语使用者学习英语的必备工具。总的来说,Alex-Trebek - Bing 词典是一款值得推荐的优秀在线词典。
