
英语词汇2024-03-14 01:35:52小编


['ælɪs skuːl]

1. Alice-school

Alice-school is a noun that refers to a fictional school in the novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. It is the school where the main character, Alice, studies and learns about various subjects such as math, literature, and history.


2. How to pronounce Alice-school

Alice-school is pronounced as [ælɪs skuːl]. The first syllable "ælɪs" is pronounced with a short "a" sound, similar to the word "apple". The second syllable "skuːl" is pronounced with a long "oo" sound, similar to the word "school".

Alice-school的发音为[ælɪs skuːl]。第一个音节“ælɪs”发音为短“a”的音,类似于单词“apple”。第二个音节“skuːl”发音为长“oo”的音,类似于单词“school”。

3. Usage

Alice-school can be used in both written and spoken language. It is commonly used to refer to the school in the novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", but it can also be used to describe any fictional or imaginary school.


4. Example Sentences

1) Alice was excited to start her first day at Alice-school.


2) The teachers at Alice-school were known for their eccentric teaching methods.


3) The students at Alice-school were always curious and eager to learn.


4) Every year, Alice-school held a grand talent show for its students.


5) The library at Alice-school was filled with books on magic and fantasy.


5. Synonyms and Usage

Some synonyms for Alice-school include:

- Wonderland Academy: This is another name for the fictional school in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

- Fantasy School: This term can be used to describe any imaginary or fictional school that teaches subjects related to fantasy or magic.


- Wonderland Academy:这是《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中虚构学校的另一个名称。

- Fantasy School:这个术语可以用来描述任何教授与幻想或魔法相关科目的想象或虚构学校。

6. Editor's Summary

In conclusion, Alice-school is a fictional school in the novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" where the main character, Alice, studies and learns about various subjects. It is pronounced as [ælɪs skuːl] and can be used to describe any imaginary or fictional school. Some synonyms for Alice-school include Wonderland Academy and Fantasy School.
