[ə'merɪkən ˈkæfeɪ]
例句1:I love hanging out at the American-cafe down the street, they have the best coffee and pastries in town.(我喜欢去街上那家美式咖啡馆,他们有镇上最好喝的咖啡和点心。)
例句2:Let's meet at the American-cafe near the park, I heard they have a great selection of drinks.(我们在公园附近的那家美式咖啡馆见面吧,我听说他们有很多种饮品可选。)
例句3:I always s by the American-cafe on my way to work, their iced coffee is my morning ritual.(我每天上班路上都会顺便去那家美式咖啡馆,他们的冰咖啡是我的早晨仪式。)
例句4:The American-cafe on Main Street is always packed during lunch hour, their sandwiches are just too good to resist.(主街上的那家美式咖啡馆午餐时间总是人满为患,他们的三明治太好吃了,叫人无法抗拒。)
例句5:The American-cafe culture has become a popular trend in many countries, with its cozy atmosphere and delicious drinks.(美式咖啡馆文化已经成为许多的流行趋势,它舒适的氛围和美味的饮品深受欢迎。)
同义词及用法:American-cafe也可以被称为American-style cafe或者American coffee shop。它们都指一种提供美式风味的咖啡、饮料和小吃的咖啡馆。
编辑总结:American-cafe是一种提供美式风味的咖啡、饮料和小吃的咖啡馆,它主要出现在美国,但现在也在全球范围内流行。它有着舒适的氛围和美味的饮品,是人们休闲放松或者工作时喜欢去的地方。同义词包括American-style cafe和American coffee shop。