amoursecret - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-18 11:59:31小编

amoursecret - Bing 词典

一:amoursecret - Bing 词典的意思



amoursecret的发音为/ə'mʊr sɛkrət/,其中重音在第二个音节上。




1. They were caught in an amoursecret affair and had to face the consequences. (他们被有一段秘密恋情,不得不面对后果。)

2. The celebrity couple tried to keep their amoursecret relationship under wraps, but the media eventually found out. (这对名人夫妇试图保持他们的秘密关系不被曝光,但最终还是被媒体了。)

3. She couldn't resist the temptation of an amoursecret encounter with her coworker. (她无法抗拒与同事之间的秘密约会的诱惑。)

4. He promised to keep their amoursecret safe and not tell anyone about it. (他承诺会保守他们的秘密,不会告诉任何人。)

5. The detective was determined to uncover the amoursecret behind the murder case. (侦探决心要揭开谋杀案背后的秘密。)


1. Affair:指一段私密、不被公众所知的关系,可以是爱情、婚外情或者其他类型。

例句:Their affair was discovered when they were seen kissing in public.


2. Fling:指一段短暂而激情的恋情,通常没有长期发展的可能。

例句:She had a fling with her colleague during a business trip, but it didn't last long.


3. Secret love:指两个人之间保持低调、隐秘的爱情关系。

例句:Their secret love was discovered when someone saw them holding hands in the park.


4. Covert relationship:指一段秘密的、不为人知的关系。

例句:The two coworkers had a covert relationship that no one in the office knew about.



amoursecret是一个由法语词汇组成的词语,意为“情人之间的秘密”。它通常用来形容一种私密、暧昧或者不被公众所知的情感关系。作为一个名词,它可以指代情侣之间保持低调、私密的爱情,也可以指代两个人之间暗地里发生的事情。此外,它也可以作为动词使用,表示“保持秘密”、“隐瞒”。与amoursecret意思相近的词语还有affair、fling、secret love和covert relationship等。
