Android-Master - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-19 20:46:08小编

Android-Master - Bing 词典

一:Android-Master - Bing 词典的意思

Android-Master - Bing 词典是一款由Bing开发的针对Android的手机应用程序,它提供了强大的词典功能,用户可以通过它来查询单词、短语、句子或者文章的释义、发音、同义词等信息。它不仅涵盖了英语单词,还包括其他多种语言,如法语、德语、西班牙语等。


Android-Master - Bing 词典的读音为[ˈændrɔɪd-ˈmæstər],其中“android”为安卓,“master”为主人或者大师的意思。


用户可以通过在搜索框中输入要查询的单词或者短语来使用Android-Master - Bing 词典。同时,该应用程序也提供了离线查询功能,方便用户在没有网络连接时也能使用。除了查询单词释义外,还可以通过点击“发音”按钮来听取正确的发音,并且可以调整速度和重复次数。此外,用户还可以收藏常用的单词和短语,在需要时快速查看。


1. He is an Android master, who can develop various types of applications for Android devices.


2. The new version of Android-Master - Bing dictionary provides more accurate and comprehensive word definitions.

新版的Android-Master - Bing词典提供了更准确、更全面的单词释义。

3. With the help of Android-Master - Bing dictionary, I can easily understand the meaning of this difficult English word.

在Android-Master - Bing词典的帮助下,我可以轻松理解这个难懂的英语单词的含义。

4. The pronunciation feature of Android-Master - Bing dictionary is very useful for those who are learning a new language.

Android-Master - Bing词典的发音功能对于正在学习一门新语言的人非常有用。

5. The offline function of Android-Master - Bing dictionary allows me to use it anytime and anywhere, even without internet connection.

Android-Master - Bing词典的离线功能让我可以在任何时间、任何地点使用它,即使没有网络连接也能进行查询。


1. Expert: a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge or skill in a particular area.

例句:He is an expert in computer programming.

2. Guru: a person who is followed as a leader or teacher, especially in a spiritual or religious context.

例句:She is considered as a guru in the field of meditation.

3. Maestro: someone who is very skilled at something, especially music or art.

例句:He is known as the maestro of classical music.

4. Mastermind: someone who plans and organizes a complex scheme or enterprise.

例句:The mastermind behind the robbery was finally caught by the police.

5. Virtuoso: a person who is highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.

例句:He is a virtuoso on the violin, and his performance always amazes the audience.


Android-Master - Bing 词典是一款功能强大、操作简单的手机应用程序,它为用户提供了便捷的查询服务,帮助用户更好地学习和使用英语。它不仅提供了准确的单词释义,还可以通过发音功能来帮助用户正确地发音。同时,它也具备离线查询功能,方便用户在没有网络连接时也能使用。除此之外,Android-Master - Bing 词典还提供了收藏功能,让用户可以快速查看常用的单词和短语。总的来说,Android-Master - Bing 词典是一款非常实用的工具,在学习和使用英语过程中都能为用户提供帮助。
