
英语词汇2024-03-20 07:09:22小编




Angeline is a feminine given name of English origin, meaning "angel" or "messenger". It is derived from the Greek name Angelos, which means "messenger" or "messenger of God". The name has been used since the 18th century and became popular in the 19th century. In recent years, it has gained popularity again as a result of various celebrities bearing the name.



1. Angeline is such a lovely name for a baby girl.


2. My best friend's name is Angeline and she's the kindest person I know.


3. Angeline Smith will be presenting her research at the conference next week.

(下周Angeline Smith将在上展示她的研究成果。)

4. The main character in this book is named Angeline, just like my daughter.


5. I've always loved the name Angeline, it sounds so elegant and classic.


同义词及用法:类似于Angeline这样的女性名字还有Angelina、Angela、Angelica等,它们都是源自于Greek name Angelos的变体。这些名字也都有着类似的含义,可以作为Angeline的同义词使用。

编辑总结:Angeline是一个古老而又优雅的女性名字,它源自于希腊语中的"messenger"或者"messenger of God",意为“天使”或“上帝的使者”。这个名字在近年来重新流行,在各种明星取用之后,更是备受青睐。除了作为女性名字外,它也可以作为姓氏使用。与其同源的名字还有Angelina、Angela、Angelica等,它们都具有相似的含义和美妙的音韵。总之,Angeline是一个优雅而又富有意义的名字,适合用来命名女孩子。
