
英语词汇2024-03-21 03:54:19小编


[əˌnɑːnə bəʊˈleɪnə]


Anna-Bolena (also known as Anne Boleyn) was the second wife of King Henry VIII of England and Queen Consort from 1533 to 1536. She is known for her role in the English Reformation and for being the mother of Queen Elizabeth I.

用法:Anna-Bolena is used as a proper noun to refer to the historical figure Anne Boleyn, or to refer to her as a symbol of the English Reformation.


1. Anna-Bolena was a key figure in King Henry VIII's pursuit of a male heir.


2. Many historians believe that Anna-Bolena's execution was unjust and politically motivated.


3. The story of Anna-Bolena has been portrayed in numerous books, movies, and TV shows.


4. The legacy of Anna-Bolena continues to fascinate people today.


5. The famous portrait of Anna-Bolena hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in London.



1. Anne Boleyn - the anglicized version of Anna-Bolena's name, commonly used in English-speaking countries.

安娜·波林 - 安娜-波林娜名字的英语化版本,在英语常用。

2. Queen Consort - a title given to the wife of a reigning monarch, used to distinguish her from the Queen Regnant (the ruling monarch).

王后(Queen Consort)- 给予在位君主的妻子的头衔,用于区分她和女王(Queen Regnant,即君主)。

3. English Reformation - a series of events in 16th century England that led to the break from the Roman Catholic Church and the establishment of the Church of England.

英格兰改革(English Reformation)- 16世纪英格兰一系列,导致与罗马天主的决裂和建立英国国。

4. Historical figure - a person who has played a significant role in history, often studied and written about by historians.

历史人物(Historical figure)- 在历史上发挥重要作用的人,通常被历史学家研究和写作。

5. Execution - the act of carrying out a death sentence as punishment for a crime.

处决(Execution)- 执行作为对犯罪的惩罚的行为。


Anna-Bolena is a significant historical figure who played a crucial role in the English Reformation. Her story continues to fascinate people today and her legacy lives on through various forms of media. The use of her name as a proper noun and symbol of the English Reformation has made it an important term to know for those interested in British history.
