
英语词汇2024-03-21 16:00:36小编


[ 'æni hɔl ]

用法: 名词


1. Annie Hall是一部1977年的美国浪漫喜剧电影,由伍迪·艾伦编剧和导演。它讲述了一个纽约市的典型故事,描述了两个性格迥异的人之间的爱情故事。这部电影赢得了四项奥斯卡奖,包括最佳导演和最佳女主角。

1. Annie Hall is a 1977 American romantic comedy film written and directed by Woody Allen. It tells a typical story of New York City and depicts a love story between two people with different personalities. The film won four Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Actress.

2. Annie Hall也可以指代电影中的女主角Annie Hall,由黛安·基顿饰演。她是一个充满热情、激情和幽默感的年轻女子,与男主角阿尔文(由伍迪·艾伦饰演)展开一段深刻而又复杂的爱情故事。

2. Annie Hall can also refer to the female lead in the movie, played by Diane Keaton. She is a young woman full of passion, energy and humor, who engages in a deep and complicated love story with the male lead Alvy (played by Woody Allen).

3. 除了电影中的角色外,Annie Hall也可以指代一种时尚风格。这种风格源自电影中的女主角,她的穿着风格简单、舒适,但又不失时尚感。这种风格通常包括宽松的衬衫、宽松的西服外套和宽腿裤等。

3. Apart from the characters in the movie, Annie Hall can also refer to a fashion style. This style is inspired by the female lead in the movie, with a simple and comfortable dressing style, yet still fashionable. It often includes loose shirts, oversized blazers and wide-legged pants.

4. 在英语中,Annie Hall也可以用来形容一个有趣、聪明且独特的女性。这种用法通常是对女性的赞美和称赞。

4. In English, Annie Hall can also be used to describe a woman who is funny, smart and unique. This usage is often a compliment or praise for a woman.


1. 她真是个Annie Hall,总能让我开怀大笑。

She's such an Annie Hall, always making me laugh.

2. 这部电影真是太棒了,我最喜欢Annie Hall这个角色。

This movie is amazing, my favorite character is Annie Hall.

3. 她穿着那件宽松的衬衫和宽腿裤看起来像个现代版的Annie Hall。

She looks like a modern version of Annie Hall in that loose shirt and wide-legged pants.

4. 她不仅漂亮,而且聪明幽默,真是个Annie Hall。

She's not only beautiful, but also smart and funny, what an Annie Hall.

5. 她的穿衣风格总是那么简单又时尚,就像个现实版的Annie Hall。

Her dressing style is always so simple yet fashionable, like a real-life Annie Hall.


1. 女主角 (female lead):指电影、戏剧等作品中的女性主角。

2. 时尚风格 (fashion style):指某种流行的穿衣打扮方式。

3. 有趣 (funny):形容人或事物引人发笑或有趣。

4. 聪明 (smart):形容人具有智慧和理解力。

5. 独特 (unique):形容某人或某物与众不同,独一无二。


Annie Hall这个词汇除了可以指代电影和其中的角色外,还可以用来形容一个有趣、聪明且独特的女性。它也可以指代一种时尚风格,在英语中被广泛使用。通过这篇文章,我们不仅了解了这个词汇的含义和用法,还学习了一些相关的同义词及用法。
