
英语词汇2024-03-22 15:02:22小编




1. a serious infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, which is often fatal to both humans and animals

1. 一种严重的传染病,由炭疽杆菌引起,对人类和动物都有致命危险。

2. Anthrax is a highly infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

2. 炭疽是一种高度传染性的疾病,可以从动物传播给人类。

3. The anthrax outbreak in the village was a major concern for health officials.

3. 村子里的炭疽爆发是卫生官员的主要关注点。

4. The government has issued a warning about the potential threat of bioterrorism using anthrax.

4. 已经发布了关于使用炭疽进行生物的潜在威胁的告。

5. The farmer vaccinated his livestock against anthrax to prevent an outbreak on his farm.

5. 农民给自己的牲畜接种了抗炭疽,以防止农场爆发这种疾病。


- Wool-sorter's disease: this term is used to describe the form of anthrax that affects people who work with infected animal products, such as wool or hides.

- Splenic fever: this term is used to describe the form of anthrax that affects animals, particularly cattle and sheep.


- 羊毛工人肺病:这个术语用来描述那些与感染动物产品(如羊毛或皮革)工作的人所患的炭疽。

- 脾热:这个术语用来描述那些影响动物,特别是牛和羊的炭疽。

Editor's Summary:

Anthrax is a highly infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. It can be fatal to both humans and animals and is a major concern for health officials. The term "wool-sorter's disease" is used to describe the form of anthrax that affects people who work with infected animal products, while "splenic fever" is used to describe the form that affects animals. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent outbreaks of anthrax.
