adj. 反同性恋的
1. Antigay是一个由前缀anti-和gay组成的形容词,意为反同性恋的。
Antigay is an adjective formed by the prefix anti- and gay, meaning against homosexuality.
2. 用法:Antigay通常用来形容一种反对或仇视同性恋者的态度、言论或行为。
Usage: Antigay is often used to describe an attitude, speech, or behavior that is opposed to or ile towards homosexuals.
Example 1: This movie is full of antigay remarks and scenes that make people feel very uncomfortable.
Example 2: Their antigay propaganda campaign has sparked a lot of controversy.
Example 3: She faced opposition from some people for openly supporting same-sex marriage, but she still stood by her beliefs.
Example 4: This bar was accused of discriminating against the LGBT community, sparking a heated debate about antigay laws.
Example 5: Their antigay attitude has disappointed me greatly, and I don't want to associate with them anymore.
3. 同义词及用法:Antigay的同义词包括homophobic、anti-LGBT、anti-homosexual等,它们都表示反对或仇视同性恋者的意思。可以根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达。
Synonyms and usage: Synonyms of antigay include homophobic, anti-LGBT, anti-homosexual, etc., all of which mean opposed to or ile towards homosexuals. The appropriate term can be chosen based on the specific context.
4. 编辑总结:Antigay是一个负面的形容词,通常用来描述一种反同性恋的态度或言论。在使用时需要注意语境,避免给人带来歧视或冒犯之感。同时,也应该尊重每个人的性取向和选择,避免使用这样具有攻击性的词汇。