
英语词汇2024-03-23 06:55:45小编


[əˈnɪwʌn əv əs]


1. Anyone-of-Us is a term that refers to an individual who is a part of a group or community.

Example: She is just anyone-of-us, she has the same problems and worries as we do.她就是我们中的一个,她和我们一样有同样的问题和担忧。

2. Anyone-of-Us is used to describe someone who belongs to a group of people that share similar characteristics, interests, or experiences.

Example: He is not anyone-of-us, he comes from a different background and has different values.他不是我们中的一个,他来自不同的背景并且有着不同的价值观。

3. Anyone-of-Us can also be used as an inclusive term to refer to all the members of a particular group, regardless of their individual differences.

Example: This event is open to anyone-of-us who wants to participate and contribute their ideas.这次活动欢迎任何想要参与并贡献想法的人。

4. The phrase "anyone of" can also be combined with other words to form compound adjectives, such as "anyone-of-a-kind" or "anyone-of-a-mind."

Example: She has a unique perspective on life, she's truly anyone-of-a-kind.她对生活有独特的看法,她真正是与众不同。


1. One of us

2. A member of our group

3. Part of our community

4. Fellow human being

5. Comrade

Editor's note:

The term "Anyone-of-Us" emphasizes the idea of inclusivity and belonging. It recognizes that despite our individual differences, we are all part of a larger group or community. It can be used to promote unity and understanding among people from diverse backgrounds.


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