
英语词汇2024-03-24 02:53:00小编




1. a group of Native American people living in the southwestern United States, known for their skill as warriors and their resistance to Spanish and later American expansion into the region.

1. 美国西南部一群土著美洲人,以其作为战士的技能和对西班牙人及后来的美国人扩张该地区的抵抗而闻名。

2. a member of this people.

2. 这个民族的成员。

3. any of the Athabaskan languages spoken by the Apaches.

3. 任何一个说阿帕切语族语言的阿帕切人。

4. an open-source web server software designed for modern operating systems, including UNIX, Linux, and Windows.

4. 一款开源网络服务器软件,专为现代操作(包括UNIX、Linux和Windows)设计。

5. a member of the Apache Software Foundation, an organization that supports the development of open-source software projects.

5. Apache软件基金会成员,该组织支持开源软件项目的发展。

Synonyms: warrior, fighter, defender


Example sentences:

1. The Apaches were fierce warriors who protected their land from invaders.


2. Many Apaches were forced to leave their ancestral lands and relocate to reservations.


3. The Apache language is still spoken by some members of the tribe.


4. The Apache web server is one of the most popular choices for ing websites.


5. The Apache Software Foundation provides support and resources for various open-source projects.


Editor's summary:

Apche has multiple meanings, including a Native American people known for their warrior skills, a member of this group, a language spoken by them, and an open-source web server software. It is important to note that the term "Apache" should be used with respect and sensitivity towards the Native American community. The Apache Software Foundation also plays an important role in supporting open-source projects.


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