apec - Bing 词典

英语词汇2024-03-24 03:39:15小编

apec - Bing 词典

英 [ˈeɪpek] 美 [ˈeɪpek]

用法:名词,缩写词,亚太经合组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation),是一个由21个经济体组成的国际组织,旨在促进亚太地区的经济合作和发展。


1. The annual APEC summit is a platform for leaders of 21 Asia-Pacific economies to discuss regional economic cooperation. 每年的APEC峰会是21个亚太经济体讨论区域经济合作的。

2. China has been actively participating in APEC since its accession in 1991, and has made significant contributions to the organization's development. 自1991年加入APEC以来,一直积极参与,并为该组织的发展做出了重大贡献。

3. The APEC Free Trade Area was established in 1994 to promote free and open trade among member economies. APEC自由贸易区于1994年成立,旨在促进成员经济体之间的自由开放贸易。

4. The APEC Business Travel Card allows business travelers to enter participating economies more easily and efficiently. APEC商务旅行卡使商务旅客更容易、更高效地进入参与。

5. The 2020 APEC summit will be ed by Malaysia and is expected to focus on sustainable growth and digital economy development in the region. 2020年APEC峰会将由马来西亚主办,预计将关注该地区的可持续增长和数字经济发展。

同义词及用法:亚太经合组织也可以简称为APEC,是一个常用的缩写词。另外,有时也会用Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation来代替全称。在一些,人们也可能会用亚太经济(Asia-Pacific Economic Forum)来指代APEC。



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