英语词汇2024-03-25 01:01:24小编


英 [æps] 美 [æps]

n. 应用程序,App

1. APPZ是“应用程序”的缩写,指的是安装在智能手机或平板电脑等移动设备上的软件程序。

APPZ is short for "application", which refers to the software programs installed on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.

2. 人们可以通过应用商店下载和安装APPZ,以满足他们的各种需求,比如游戏、社交媒体、生活工具等。

People can download and install APPZ through app stores to meet their various needs, such as games, social media, lifestyle tools, etc.

3. APPZ通常由第三方开发者开发,并通过应用商店提供给用户。用户可以根据自己的喜好选择和使用APPZ。

APPZ are usually developed by third-party developers and made available to users through app stores. Users can choose and use APPZ according to their preferences.

4. 很多企业也推出自己的APPZ,让用户更方便地浏览和购买其产品或服务。

Many companies also launch their own official APPZ, allowing users to browse and purchase their products or services more conveniently.

5. 有些APPZ是免费的,但也有些需要付费购买。付费APPZ通常会提供更多功能或无广告体验。

Some APPZ are free, but some require payment for purchase. Paid APPZ usually offer more features or ad-free experience.

同义词:application, mobile app

用法类似:software, program


APPZ是指安装在移动设备上的软件程序,用户可以通过应用商店下载和安装满足自己需求的APPZ。它们通常由第三方开发者开发,并提供给用户使用。有些是免费的,有些需要付费购买,付费APPZ通常会提供更多功能或无广告体验。企业也可以推出自己的APPZ,让用户更方便地浏览和购买其产品或服务。同义词为application和mobile app,用法类似于software和program。


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